Somebody's cheap lipstick is giving you a hard time

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Dean Ambrose POV

I felt really guilty having to come back to the hotel late. Summer was curled up in all the covers and the room was dark. I couldn't sleep. 

Dean Ambrose POV- After RAW

I slammed the bathroom door shut, still at the arena. I noticed the sink beginning to flood. Five minuets ago I ruined everything. Although Summer wasn't there I sill did it. I kissed Aj Lee for a second ime. Before when I kissed Aj, I screwed up my hole relationship with Summer. If swear to god if she found out again I'll never get her back!

I walked to the back entrance leaving Summer in the car. I rang her telling her I'll send somebody else to drive her to the hotel. "Hello again.." Aj whispered in my ear. "Can you help with a favour please?" I pulled the neck on my shirt away from my neck to loosen up my breathing "Just drve me Summer to the hotel, you'll be fine.." She nodded. Of course, if she loves me she'll try everything right? I thought if they got along on the way to the hotel nothing would be revealled at all.

Summer Rae POV- Smackdown

Lukily I had my job to relieve my stress. Since RAW, Dean had been really sketchy and went out each night returning drunk. I was preparing my hair. I had to reveal the rest of Summerslam to the roster, I'd only mentioned Dean and Seth's first blood match. I decided to start with the divas. I summoned them all too me, "Hello ladies, i have decided to have a battle royal for the third competitor in my triple threat at Summerslam," Many of the female talent smiled at me loving the oppotunity.

I watched in my office. Naomi had Cameron and The Bellas hanging in the corner. She had it won. Aj ran out to the ring and got everyone out the ring. "You can't take this away from me you bitches!" she yelled. She was handed a mic after making a request. "I'm will get what I want at Summerslam! Tthe divas title, Dean Ambrose and your respect!" Dean Ambrose? My boyfriend? Did she just slip up? I speed-walked to the stage. "Aj, Dean Ambrose?" I questioned. She excitedly nodded. "I don't think you know he is my boyfriend!" She put the mic to her mouth "He wasn't saying that last week when we kissed!" My heart sank, and possibly broke in two.

Seth Rollins POV

I marched down to Summer's aid. The camera clearly showed tears buliding up in her eyes. Maybe I could mend a heart tonight. I stood next to her on the stage and pulled her close. She started crying harder. "Summer, I really should of showed this to you..." I turned my phone screen on and showed her an image I took after RAW. She stormed off.

Dean Ambrose POV

Oh crap. I ran towards Summer. She shoved me strongly in my chest. "You have ruined everything!"

The Screw Job (Summer Rae/Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now