30. moonlight

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30. the big three oh!

So to celebrate, how bout some drah-mah?

Yeah? Yeah.


I love you.

 P.S. Also, I need someone (need) to guess who it is before I write the next chapter.

It will take 2 seconds to leave the comment or message, and there's a good chance you won't be wrong.

I love you.


It was somehow our last night on the island. I had not yet responded to Harry, but was avoiding him at all costs. I didn't want to answer. I put away my bathingsuits, and picked out my outfit for tommorow, and some pyjamas for the plane.

The curtains billowed with the seabreeze, as I packed my fancy dress I brought just incase. Getting a little distracted, I went into the bathroom and put it on. It was a scarlett color, and it went to the floor, with fat off the shoulder straps. It was god damn elegant, if I do say so myself. Getting bored and deciding I have time, I put on some heels that made me just an inch shorter than Niall and put serious blisters on my heels. They were cute and black and I like them and it's not like I'm going to wear them longer than 5 minutes.

I reached over and put on some mascara. My eyelashes were thick and long, but they went blonde at the tips so you would never know unless you were really close. Deciding that mascara wasn't worth it for this game of dress up, I just walked around and continued packing. I folded a silky white blouse while my heels scraped the old tattered hardwood floors, as I tossed it onto the suitcase lying on the black iron bedframed bed, as my red suitcase shone out against the white satin sheets. Auntie believed in inudging ones self every now and then. Often more now than then. 

I heard the white wooden door creak on it's hinges, signaling someone else was in the room. I felt them creep up from behind me, and settle their arms on my waist. It wasn't Suze, that's for sure. They felt the material of the chiffon dress, toying it between their fingers. I finally stuffed the last bit of clothes into my suitcase, and with ease zipped it up. 

"You look so hot right now," He breathed into my ear. I felt the air they had exhaled trace over my face, going to my nose leaving it with the scent of mint from the garden outside.

"Do I not always look hot?" I teased, turning to them. Their arms encircled me in a hug. 

"Always. Each day, you're more breath taking than the last time I saw you." I felt his arms roam my back. They must really like chiffon...

"That's a nice thing to say," I replied. I'm so awkward. I should just crumple into a ball and roll away. That would actually be funny. I feel my knees start to bend, moving with the idea. I straighten up, he bends down a bit, his lips meeting mine. It's perfect, with the moonlight shining down through the window like a spotlight.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that..."

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