Chapter 26

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Adrianna's POV.

"I have never seen you in my life." I really don't know who this boy is.

"Yes! yes, you have!" I watch as he gets defensive.

"I don't know a thing about you..." I'm only speaking what I know is true.

"This can't happen.." I watch as he drops his face into his hands.

"There have been lots of complaints about loud noise coming from this room, we have patients sleeping so you need to leave or quiet down."

A nurse interrupts, looking right at this boy.

"You know what?! I'm done! I've spent most of the summer trying to get you to love me again."

I watch as the blonde pours out tears, with his cheeks turning a bright pink.

"I don't love you, nor would I ever go out with someone as childish acting like you."

With what I just said, I feel kind of guilty as I literally can almost see his heart splitting in two.

He says no word in response, just staring at me like I said the world was going to end or something.

Half a minute later, he puts his head down like a lost puppy and runs out of my room.

I regret being so cold to him, but I'm in no mood for silliness with an awful ache shooting through my head.


I can't get it through my head why she was so cold to me.

It damaged me the most, hearing the words 'I don't love you, nor would I ever go out with someone as childish acting like you.'

The way she could look me straight in the eyes and say it with such a hurtful tone in her voice.

Even with all our ups and downs this summer, I am still madly in love with her.

Not a feeling is absent when we meet eyes or just the presence of her in the same room with me.

I can't get over her, no matter how hard I try.

I'm literally going to have to chain myself down, to keep my distance from her.

Now I have to make myself come to the question, what is love?

But I've too far in love now to ever get there.

It sounds silly because she's been in my life for three or four months now, but I feel like I've known her for my entire life.

It looks like Alcohol is going to be my new love replacement......

Looking like a piece of shit, I walk into a local store and head straight to where the large freezers are.

Finding it, I walk straight to it and lift up three packs of Bud Light.

"Come to mama..." I say in a raspy voice out loud, catching weird looks from customers.

I awkwardly jog over to the counter, slamming the beer in front of the dazed clerk.

Being childish like Adrianna described me as, I stick out my tongue at her as she rolls her bulging eyes


She bags the beer and hands it to me, barely making any eye contact with me.

Getting my change, I exit from the store and walk outside into the fast-changing weather.

Before I came in, the sky was clear and the sun was quite social, as it wasn't shy to reveal many rays of sunlight.

But as It took some time to refresh, it resembles how I feel today.

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