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(Kylie's Outfit^)
*Chase's P.O.V*
"good morning princess" I said smiling down at her "good morning Daddy" she said smiling snuggling closer to me I looked at her shook but at the same time something like clicked in my brain and it gave me a feeling that I don't even know how to explain what it feels like but- "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that" she said looking up at me through her lashes so innocently "I liked it" I said looking at her she smiled she climbed on top of me and started kissing me deeply my hands went to her butt and hers went to my hair tugging on in lightly while rolling her hips on me I groaned I felt myself getting hard *Knock Knock* she jumped off me I pulled the covers over us she snuggled back up to me "come in" I said "hey sorry are you guys ready for breakfast" I nodded
*Kylie's P.O.V*
I got up I'm wearing his joggers and sweater he laid down for a while he got up after he was sure his situation was gone he grabbed my hand I laughed he smiled at me "that was your fault" he said I laughed once we got down the stairs my mom texted me
Mom-"Kylie I'm gonna need you home tonight for a dinner with my new boyfriend"
Me-"nice joke but yeah I will be home tonight"
Mom-"Kylie I'm not kidding"
Then it hit me my mom actually has a new boyfriend. I sat down and ate we all hung out around 4:00 I had to leave my brother came to pick me up I grabbed my stuff and walked out side "bye it was nice meeting you I hope to see you again" I said smiling she nodded "definitely" Chase walked me out I hugged him I kissed him "call me if anything happens" he said I nodded "I love you" I said "I love you" he replied I got in the car when we got home I put some leggings and a jacket on "I'm gonna go on a run" I said "be back in time for dinner!" My mom yelled I sighed I ran a few blocks I stopped once I got to the tombstone the tombstone that always makes my heart ache "I miss you dad" I said crying I updated him on everything "mom has a new boy toy she wants me to be nice and have dinner with tonight dad I don't wanna meet him there's no one that can ever replace you" *ring ring* "where are you?! Hurry back to shower and get ready!" My mom said as soon as I answered "okay" "Kylie are you oka-" I hung up "Bye Dad I love you forever and always" I jogged back home I walked in Pedro hugged me "I know you were visiting dad" he said I nodded "yeah" I said I took a shower and got dressed we got in the car we stopped at Chase's house "why we here?" I asked "want to see if he wants to come" she said I smiled I texted him the door opened minutes later he got in I smiled kissing him "hey baby" I said "hey" he replied "sorry I feel like I'm taking you away from your family" I said looking down he turned my face to face him "never baby girl" he said he kissed me my brother made a gagging sound I flipped him off we picked Hannah up "there it's like a triple date" my mom said we got to the restaurant Chase grabbed my hand we got to the restaurant "Hi Liz" the guy said pulling her into a hug "this is my son Pedro" she said my brother shook his hand "and this is my daughter Kylie" he faced me and stared me up and down and couldn't stop watching me I moved slightly behind Chase he moved to cover me "Hi I'm Chase Kylie's boyfriend" he said "hi I'm Hannah Pedro's girlfriend" she said I looked at Chase he gave me his hoodie to cover me up I smiled we sat down they all talked I kept quiet "how old are you?" He asked looking at me I tried to ignore him "Kylie don't be rude to Jake" my mom said "I'm 16" I said I kept my head low I can feel him looking at me Chase was getting tense next to me I grabbed his hand with both my hands and laid my head on his shoulder with my head in the crook of his neck our food came we ate while still talking after I finished eating I grabbed Chase hand tighter cause I felt something on my leg I jumped up from the table "can we be excused" I didn't wait for an answer we walked to the front door I wrapped my arms around his neck looking like we're hugging even tho we kinda are "he creeps me out he just stared and me non stop and I think he touched my leg" I said Chase's hands went into fists I grabbed them calming him down "no daddy please" I said quietly he nodded I grabbed his hand we walked back to the table everyone was getting ready to leave "okay let's go" Pedro said he grabbed Hannah's hand we walked out before my mom could even say anything "please tell me you guys saw how much he stared at Kylie" Chase said "yeah I did and it pissed me the fuck off" Pedro said "yeah me too I was gonna do something but Kylie stopped me he even touched her leg bro like the fuck who does that" I sat on top of my mom's hood Chase between my legs facing out I had my arms wrapped around him my mom and Jake came out I rolled my eyes Chase turned towards me his forehead on mine we just stood like that I felt eyes burning into me I swear I looked to the side he was literally just staring at me "he's looking" I whispered Chase turned his head "d-" I grabbed his face and kissed him so that he wouldn't say anything I grabbed the keys from my mom and got in the car I'm on Chase lap so Pedro can sit back here with Hannah my mom was still talking to Jake "why didn't you let me say anything?" Chase asked "so my mom doesn't get upset" I said he just wrapped his arms around my waist my mom got in the car "why don't you guys like him" she asked starting the car up "it's not that we don't like him" I said "then what what's is it Kylie?" She snapped "he's not dad" I said quietly she sighed "Kylie I can't be single forever" she said I didn't say anything "well anyways he's following us cause he's gonna spend the night" she said "Oh I was gonna stay at Chase's" "Oh I was gonna stay at Hannah's" me and Pedro said at the same time "okay go ahead just come get your clothes and Pedro drop them off" my mom said once we pulled into the drive way I hopped out Chase after me he grabbed my hand we went to my room I changed into his sweats I had here and kept his hoodie on I packed a bag we got out my room same time Pedro did we got to the bottom step "where you guys going?" He asked "my mom knows" I snapped back we walked out got in the car Pedro dropped us off we got to the door he opened it "Kylie!" His sister said coming up to us she hugged me "hi Marlena" I said smiling "Chase you look angry" his mom said when we went to the living room "its cause..." Chase explained the whole thing his mom looked at me "are you okay?" She asked I nodded "yeah" "mom you know how I get mad I wanna fight most of the time and how no one can calm me down?" He asked "yeah you didn't fight him did you?" His mom gasped "no actually Kylie calmed me down by just holding my hand actually by just her voice makes me calm" he said blushing I smiled his mom looked shocked he nodded "yeah" "wow you must really love her then" his mom said "I do" he said I smiled blushing "oh btw I got invited to go to a meet and greet with Payton and Anthony and a few other people" he said "will Kylie be there?" His mom asked I shook my head "wasn't invited" I said he looked sad I smiled "well thank you for letting me stay the night" I said they hugged me "Kylie stop thanking us we don't care if you come at 3 in the morning we will still let you come in even if we're not home if you need somewhere to escape to this is where you can come" she said I smiled and started tearing up Chase saw and pulled me in a hug rubbing my back "baby why are you crying?" He asked concerned in his voice "I've never had someone care for me like this since my dad my mom's been distant from us" I felt more arms wrapped around me then dogs jumping on my legs I smiled "I love you guys you guys are like my second family" I said "we love you too" they all said at once I smiled they pulled away Chase kissed my tears away I scrunched my nose up "doesn't it taste salty?" I asked "it doesn't matter I would do anything as long as your happy because I Love you" he said I looked up at him and smiled I kissed him "I love you" I said smiling "okay we're off to bed don't stay up to late" his mom said smiling I nodded "we should go to sleep too" I said we went upstairs and brushed our teeth and laid down "I don't wanna go without you" he said I smiled "no you are going plus I was gonna use this time to get to know your mom and sister better" I said he nodded "goodnight princess I love you" "goodnight Daddy I love you" he kissed me then I soon fell asleep.

Hope you guys liked it!! 💕💕💕

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