Chapter 1

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"I'm going to the store, you need anything?!" I yelled while walking out the door car keys in hand.

"Just pick up some dish soap! We're out! Be back soon Indie!" My mom yelled back from her room.


I walked to my car and got in slamming the door as hard as I could. My car was probably older than my mom consider it was hers as a young adult and before that it was her dads. It's amazing it hasn't broken down yet. The air conditioning barley worked and the only way to get the door to close was to pull it shut as fast and hard as you could. Over the summer my mom took it to get a USB port installed so I could play my own music. Being thankful for her is an understatement.

I rolled down the window and buckled my seatbelt, backing out of the driveway. My car stereo was blasting out Queen as I let the warm late-august air flood through my car. Even though school has started it still feels like summer which made everything a little bit more bearable.

After a quick 5 minute drive I parked in the parking lot and walked towards Greg's a small store that sells almost everything. It was kind of like a target or Walmart but since our town is just a little bit too small for those we got the oh so helpful Greg's.

I opened my phone camera and tried to straighten out my bangs and dark long air and stupidly almost ran into the door.

"Shit." I mumbled looking around to see if anyone saw me.

Thankfully no one did. I pushed the door open and grabbed a shopping basket then made my way to the kitchen and cleaning isle. I picked up some off brand 99 cent dish soap for my mom then walked to the makeup section. I browsed the different items lanes with words like sexy or bold to catch ones eye. After about 10 minutes of straight staring at multiple items I picked out some more powder and some clear lipgloss. After finding everything I needed I wondered to the women's clothing. I'm not gonna lie; Greg's has some of the best bralettes around, and they're cheap. A light, daisy like yellow bra caught my eye. I grabbed my size and plopped it in the basket. Snack time I thought to myself and found the candy isle. Not that it was much of a struggle, Ive been going to that isle since I was 5.

While looking for a cheap sweet snack I heard laughs approaching. Not just any laughs...teen boy laughs.

"And then, her dad walked in" a familiar voice said.

Shit. I thought.

"Dude that sucks ass" another voice laughed.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I whispered under my breath turning around to make a run for it.

"Oooooh who do we have here" A boy said crossing his arms and looking at his group of 4.

"Could it be? Indie pop?" Another boy laughed. Yes pop like the music. What an original nickname! It's not like I've been called that since middle school!

"Wow. Original" I said turning back around and rolling my eyes. "See you around dickheads" I said trying to walk away once more.

"Oh no you don't," an arm grabbed me and pulled me right back to the group. Of course. He's here too. Brendon. Fucking. Urie. I think the only time he's ever been nice to me is when he told me I'd be amazing on pornhub. As you can probably tell I hated his guts. He hated mine. It's been like that since the 7th grade.

"What do we have here?" He said fishing the lacy bra out of my basket.

"Give it back asshole!" I said jumping to grab it from his hands as he held it high in the air.

"Make me." He smirked than ran with it making all his friends howl in laughter.

I ran after him abandoning my basket and chased him out of the candy isle and nearing towards to the deli.

"BRENDON GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled almost running into the display of lunch meats. I followed him into the wine and champagne isle catching up with him quickly.

"SUCK MY DI-" before he could finish his sentence I pushed him hard in a failed attempt to grab his shirt. He ran right into a shelf of red wine and instantly bottles were crashing to the ground breaking into shards.

"Fuck" we both said in unison looking at each other. A worker soon approached us with a name tag that read Greg-superintendent.

"Brendon. Indie. What happened here?"

"She pushed me!" Brendon said motioning towards me.

"He took my bra! He was running all over with it!" I said. Brendon looked down at his hand at the now red stained bra and threw it at me.

"Mhm. I see." Greg said calmly. Me and Brendon held our breath. I didn't have the money to pay for all the damage and I'm guessing neither did Brendon.  "Since I know you two and I know both of your families....situations...I'm not going to make you pay." Brendon sighed a loud sigh and I let me shoulders relax. "But; I'm putting you both in janitor duty for a month. That way you can make up for it by helping me out with the store everyday from 6-8."

   "Everyday?" I asked my eyebrows rising in shock. "But me and David have a date Wednesday! And what about jobs and stuff? And homework?"

"Everyday no exceptions" Greg said firmly.

     Me and Brendon both started talking on top of each other pointing fingers and both trying to make ourselves look innocent.

"Make that two months." Greg said, "care for three?"

Me and Brendon stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought. You both start tomorrow.  I'll get someone else to clean this up." He said walking off talking to a walkie talkie sending someone to "clean isle 8".

"Now looks what you got me into." I glared at him.

"Me?" He questioned, "you fucking pushed me ok? I didn't do shit to you!"

"You took my bra. What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know. Get a new one?"

"I mean I tried to walk away you just had to be a dick and pull me back didn't you?."

   He looked down at the puddle of maroon surrounding us then looked back at me. He started to walk away when we both heard snickering.

"Shut up, Ryan." He said knocking a bag of sour patch kids out of his friends hands.

    I walked back to my basket and went to the self checkout. Great. I said to myself now I smell like a drunk.

Janitor Duty {BRENDON URIE}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora