Chapter 5

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A/N: this is gonna be another short chapter so I'm very sorry but chapter 6 is gonna be a goooooood one


"Look who's on time!" Greg said as I walked into the store. I rolled my eyes and handed him the money for the food for my mom.

"I need to pick up some spaghetti for my mom."

"Just pick it up on your way out. I need you two to unpack some boxes. We just got a new shipment," he put the money in his pocket. "Oh also I won't need you guys next Friday . I got workers coming in to log sales. I think they go to your school actually; Sage and Shaela, know em?"

"Oh yeah" Brendon said uncrossing his arms, "they're in my health class"

Greg nodded then gave us the key to the cleaning closet. "Boxes are in the food section and there's more in the clothing. Knock yourselves out." He grabbed his keys and gave us a small wave. Brendon went to the closet and handed me a broom and a box cutter.

"I'll take clothes you take food." He said and walked on. I waked over to the food section and was greeted with six large boxes. I got to work slicing them open and putting new jars of honey and peanut butter on the empty shelves. After about two boxes my phones buzzed.

Girlies group chat/ Lola- Meeting up with Derek tonight!
/Macie- get it girl!!!
/Carly- wooooo!

I ignored the messages getting back to work so I just might be able to finish early and get home. I grabbed the nearest box and sliced the top half way through until the cutter got stuck. I kept pulling my other hand resting at the end of the box. The cutter finally cut through the tough spot and going through the rest of the box, cut right into the corner of my hand. Nothing too bad but the cut was deep enough to instantly start gushing blood.

Great. I thought to myself. First the mouse, now this. The blood kept coming and I needed to find something to cover it.

"Brendonnnnnnnn!" I yelled to the clothes section.

"Whattttttttt" he yelled back half mocking me.

"Do we have a first aid kit around here?"

"Why do you need one?"

"I cut my hand trying to open a box"

I heard quick footsteps coming my way and soon Brendon was here.

"Shit that's a lot of blood" he said his eyes widening.

"Yeah no shit." I snapped, "where's some bandages or something?"

"I think I saw one in the closet. Come with me," he started walking then turned quickly around. He took some tissue paper from the box that protected glass jars and put it on my cut, closing my hand around it. "Keep pressure on it on our way there."

He sat me on the front desk and went into the closet to retrieve the kit. I waited there watching the white thin paper soon turn red. He came back shortly holding a small white box with a red plus sign on the top.

"Give me your hand" he said setting the box next to me taking out a roll of white gauze.

"I don't need all of that just give me a bandaid" I said taking the paper off of the cut.

"That's gonna bleed through a bandaid in 39 seconds Indie. Give me your hand."

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my hand as he wrapped it carefully with the roll of gauze pressing down on each layer for pressure. I winced when he accidentally pressed down right on my cut.

"Shit sorry" he said and quickly removed his hand.

"You're fine I said laughing.

"What's so funny?" He looked up.

"Nothing it's just-"


"The dickhead actually cares!"

"I do not!"

"Uh yes you do! Look at you!"

He finished wrapping and put the guaze back in the box.

"I just learned this stuff in health class! It's not that complicated" we both laughed and he put away the box. "Here lets get you your spaghetti and get you home. I'll stay back and finish up for you."

"You don't have to do that I still have one hand"

"No it's seriously fine I finished all my boxes in the first five minutes." He laughed and started to walk off.

"Hey Brendon?" He stopped and turned around.


"I'm sorry for pushing you" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry you had to miss your date with David" He said making his voice go high when saying David's name.

"Dick." I smiled

"Bitch." He laughed. "Now go! I got the rest. I'll leave"

"If you say so" I grabbed the spaghetti from the food section and walked out to my car.

Huh so he's not so much of ass.

Janitor Duty {BRENDON URIE}Where stories live. Discover now