Chapter 13

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     "Hey, Moon Pie, I'm picking up food wanna come?" Brendon said as he threw the cleaning closet keys back on the front desk. I rolled my eyes. He started calling me moon pie since the day after the party which was well over a week ago. We were at Greg's and I stepped on a moon pie someone had dropped. Brendon came rushing over at the sound of my screams. I thought it was another dead mouse. Brendon, on the other hand thought it was hilarious. I don't think he's ever gonna let me forget about it.

       "Yeah sure, where do ya wanna go?" I checked my hair in my phone camera. Brendon leaned over so he was in the frame too and I snapped a quick picture just to make him happy. He laughed and took my phone, taking endless selfies giggling at the waste of my storage...well it wasn't really a waste.

       "We'll find somewhere. Let's just drive for a bit." He smiled and gave the phone back then walked out to his car as I followed.

        We drove around in his old Jeep singing to AC/DC and dancing while sitting, probably looking like crackheads. Eventually we stopped by a McDonald's and got the food, then pulled into the parking lot.

"You know," Brendon started his mouth full of fries, "I never really hated you Moon Pie." I laughed then raised an eyebrow.

"Well you don't anymore, you used to though. And I hated you too." I took a sip of my milkshake.

"No. I mean I never hated you. Not once." I almost spit out the milkshake.

"Brendon no offense, you used to be a dick. What do you mean you never hated me?"

"Well I had to get your attention somehow. You were always with your other friends but you never really seemed happy. Since we were little you always stood out to them. Do I sound creepy?" I laughed and threw a fry at him.

"You sound like a stalker. So you saw me not being happy with my friends....and you were bullying me to what? Make me even more miserable?"

"I mean- yeah? I never knew how to talk to you. I was worried you were just gonna think I was weird or trying to fuck I-I don't know."

"I did think you were weird. I still do. I just like the weird. I always have." I shrugged and he looked at me smiling. "Awwww is lil Beebo blushing?"

"Oh fuck you!" He said and took my milkshake from me taking a sip.

"Fine then I'm taking your fucking fries." I said grabbing the red cardboard container. Brendon's hand quickly went on the box as well strongly pulling back. We sat there playing tug-o-war with the fries. He was just using one arm to pull my whole body over the middle section of the seats. I let go of the box making fries fly all over the car. I froze and so did Brendon. We looked at each other and burst into laughter. By the time he could talk again we were wiping tears out of our eyes.

"Alright Moon Pie lets get you home." He turned the keys back in her car and backed out of the parking lot.

"Hey Beebo?" I said quietly looking out a window at the glowing signs of stores and fast food restaurants all around us.

"Sup?" He said pulling out to the main road.

"I never hated you either." He smirked and ran his fingers through his hair.

"That's a lie." He took his hand off the wheel and brushed my hair behind my ear and fixed a piece of my bangs.

"Eh, only partially," I shrugged and took his hand from my hair playing with this fingers. "I hated how you made my life hell but I loved the fact that I wasn't just some girl Brendon Boyd Urie used then threw away."

"Or are you?" He teased. I threw his arm back on his lap and slapped his shoulder.

"Dick head!" I laughed. He smiled and glanced at me trying to stay focused on the road.

"I'm kidding. You're pretty cool Indie. All the boys like you. Corrine loves you." I blushed and looked down. "I wanna keep you around." He said quietly. We pulled into my driveway and he unlocked the doors. "See you tomorrow, Moon Pie."

"Goodnight Beebo. See you tomorrow." I jumped out of his car door taking my milkshake with me. "Enjoy the fries, if you can find any."


A/N: we LOVE a good filler chapter. Also thank you soooo much for over 200 reads. I am so freaking happy abt this.

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