Chapter 3

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Sprinting through the old glass doors I was greeted by Greg crossing his arms and Brendon with his hands in his pockets both looking at me and both not happy.

"You're late" Greg said

"I know I am so so sorry I lost track of time" I said gasping. Was I really this much out of breath from running through the parking lot? Wow.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you it's rude to be late?" Brendon said

"Didn't your dad ever tell you to shut the fuck up?" I snapped back.

"Girls, girls, calm yourself." Greg said. I looked at Brendon and smirked. He rolled his eyes and put his hands back in his pockets. I noticed he changed. He was still wearing the same guns and roses shirt he was wearing at school but instead of black skinny jeans he was now in sweatpants with some all black converse. Pretty smart of him I had to say. Jeans weren't the best to clean in. "The mops are in the cleaning closet. Here's the key and don't forget the cameras are always on so don't try anything I will see the next day." Greg tossed us the keys and explained the rest of our duties for the day.

After Greg left for the day me and Brendon got straight to work starting off in the clothing section putting fallen shirts back on hangers and folding things that people lazily threw back on the shelves when they decided not to buy it.

"Indie!" Brendon yelled just one small section away.

"What do you want?" I asked walking over to him  

I was greeted with a yellow bra in his hands.

"Remember this?" He said smiling evilly.

"What are you doing?"

"Imagining it on you" he said as he closed one eye and holding the bra closer to me.

"Jackass" I snatched the bra from him. "Get back to work"

He rolled his eyes and walked past me, bumping his shoulder into mine. I shook my head in disgust and put the bra back in its place. Next was the fresh produce. Making my way around sweeping and checking for bruised fruits or rotten foods. Nearing the end of the boring process I felt my shoe press down on something small and stuff. I froze in fear and looked down. I lifted if my foot to find an old rotting mouse corpse underneath it. I must have accidentally swept the dead body out from under the shelf.

Disgusted I screamed and dropped the broom running a few feet away and hiding behind a sample stand as if that was going to protect me from anything. Brendon ran over to me and turned me around grabbing my shoulders.

"Indie! What happened? Did you hurt yourself? What's wrong?" He asked frantically.

"I-" I was on the verge of tears, "I stepped on a dead mouse"

Brendon stared at me with a disappointed look.

"A mouse?" He asked and I nodded my head pointing to the crime scene. He sighed and picked it up throwing it away in the nearest trash can. "You're is dramatic, you actually had me worried about you"

"Sorry" I said quietly and picked up the broom finishing my work for the day. I felt bad to be honest. I've never seen Brendon get that worried before. I must have really scared him.

After what felt like years the clock reached 8:00 and the alarm on my phone went off to tell me so. We put the supplies back in the closet and locked it and left the key on the front checkout desk for Greg to pick up in the morning. I walked to my car and opened the door having to use almost all my strength.

"Is that seriously your car?" Brendon snickered walking to his truck that was about 3 spots down from mine.

"Yeah? So what?"

"It barley works!"

"It works just fine thank you" I said and got in slamming the door.

Driving home was the same as usual. I walked through my garage door and greeted my mom then went upstairs to shower. I let the warm water rush over me and reflected on the day. I was going to have to get comfortable working with Brendon. Not become close with him but maybe become a friendly face to him. Again that all depended on him maybe not being a complete ass all the time but, that kind of seems impossible.

Janitor Duty {BRENDON URIE}Where stories live. Discover now