Chapter 20

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A/N: holy shit dudes. I haven't rlly been that active as u all know but 2K?!?!!? THATS AMAZING THANK YOU ALL SM! I'm going to try to be more active and I'm sorry in advance if I disappear for a little bit again. My mind is killing me but I'm trying my best  <3

      "No way!" I said looking in the mirror at the short body-con dress Corrine made me try on.  She was helping me find the perfect dress for the fall dance that was coming up faster than I could handle.

    "Why not? You look hot as fuck!" She said motioning to my curves that the dress stuck to like glue.

    "I want something I can move in not this." I looked at her hopelessly. She sighed and leaned on the doorway of the dressing room.

    "Want me to get you another?"

    "Yes, please" I said smiling as she shot me a more sarcastically sweet look. She ventured out into the store to find me a better option. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror once again. The dress was pretty but it just wasn't me. It was a nude color than was a bit more tan than my own skin and ended at the tops of my thighs. Taking the skin tight thing off of me I heard someone approaching the door.

    "I think you're gonna like this one!" Corrine said as I opened the door slightly to grab the dress.

     It was black and had long sleeves that were off the shoulder. The skirt part flared out and had black tool peeking out from underneath. I loved it. I pushed the door open and smiled at Corrine as her jaw dropped. "It looks amazing! You look amazing!" She said her hands resting on my shoulders as she studied the dress. "Please tell me you're getting this!"

     "Of course! How could I not!" I closed the door to the dressing room and slipped out of the beautiful dress I would now be wearing to the fall dance in three weeks. I put back on the black leggings and the vintage AC/DC shirt I took from Brendon one night while I was back at his place. I brought the dress out and was startled by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist while checking out. I turned around quickly and sighed when I saw it was Brendon himself.  "You scared me!" I said and slapped his arm.

     "Wow. No Hello no let me suck your dick? People really don't know manners these days." He smirked. I mocked him and politely took the bag from the workers hand. "What's in the bag?" Brendon said peeking in. I pulled it away from him.

     "Not so fast! It's my dress for the dance and I wanna surprise you with it." I wrapped my arms around his torso and put my head on his chest. Any time I could show him any form of affection, I would.

     "Ok lovebirds, let's go! I wanna go to hot topic before we leave the mall!" Dallon said with his best Corrine impression. He must have come with Brendon.

    "Fuck you I don't sound like that!" She said punching him on the arm.

    "Oh you do!" Brendon, Dallon, And I all said in unison. She rolled her eyes as we all laughed while we walked out of the store.

    "Ok but can we go to hot topic?" Corrine said quietly.

    "Of course!" Brendon said leading us all down the mall to he dark and loud store.

     The store was covered with posters from multiple bands and movies. We went here every time we would go to the mall mostly because of Corrine but also because the rest of us are still barley holding on to our emo phase. While looking through the accessories I heard a voice that made my whole body freeze. Cassie.

    "Holy shit!" She squealed running into the store with her two friends that looked exactly like her. They were the only three in the whole store that stood out and you could tell they were not used to it. "Girls this is the boy I met! Remember him?"

    "What do you want?" Brendon said his face going stone cold. His voice deep but monotone and his arms were crossed. Damn he's hot.

   "Just was walking around and saw you here," She started, "I can see you haven't ditched her yet."

   "Come on let's go." I said putting my hand on Brendon's shoulder. He relaxed his muscles slightly then looked back at me his eyes begging for me to let him kick Cassie's ass.

   "Fine." He mumbled and his arms uncrossed. He started to walk away when Corrine saw who was here.

   "Oh it's this bitch?" She walked quickly towards Cassie leaving an inch in between them. "I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I break you're plastic ass face your daddy bought for you." Cassie stayed there un-phased.

   "You really think you scare me? You can't do shit." She spat in Corrine's face. Me and Brendon looked at each other. Hell broke lose. Corrine lunged at Cassie and Ryan quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her back. Dallon stood in between the two and helped Ryan usher her away.

   "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD. YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE DEAD!" Corrine yelled as Cassie quickly ran out the store followed by her two screaming copies.

    "Oh my god." I said looking around at the shocked employees.

   "What?" Corrine barked still riled up.

  "I've never loved you more."

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