Chapter 4

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A/N: this chapter is going to be kind of short mainly because it's a filler so I apologize in advance even tho no one actually reads this lol

Thursday was my least favorite day of the week. It's when you're the most done with the weeks bullshit but you still have to go through two more days till the weekend. It was hell.

"Morning, honey!" My mom said searching through her bag to find her keys.

"Morning" I said opening the garage.

"Hey when you're at Greg's today can you pick up some spaghetti? I need it for dinner tonight."

"Sure thing" I said and walked to my car.


David was by my locker as always and I talked to him before going off to science for my daily nap again. Next I had to be in the red room for photography to develop my prints. Thankfully I had no snarky comments from Brendon when there. Now that I think of it I don't think he was even in class that day. Skipping class to get high, I thought to my self, typical.

After fourth hour I met up with Lola and Macy and two other of our friends, Carly and Emma, for lunch. We ate lunch and gossiped about some boy Lola was talking to that honestly seemed like a douche. She said his name was Derek or something? He always left her on read and never answered her calls. After giving her advice Carly turned towards and asked me how yesterday went.

"Fine I guess," I responded, "I accidentally stepped on a dead rat" I said cringing.

"Ew!" Emma said joining in the conversation, "did you have to like...touch it?" Emma was a classic popular girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it seemed like all of them were. We all had our own styles in a way but I always kind of stood out. They still loved me though so I wasn't bothered by it.

"No I made Brendon. He wasn't phased by it." I took a sip from my Pepsi and looked at their disgusted faces.

"He's so weird" Lola said rolling her eyes. "I don't know how you stand him"

"Trust me I don't. He teased me about the whole bra thing"

"Ugh!" They groaned then we went on to a new topic.

I looked over at Brendon's lunch table. He was laughing with his five friends: Dallon, Ryan, Tyler, Josh, and Corrine. All the boys were with him when the incident happened but Corrine, a edgy girl who's dyed her hair bright red since 8th grade, was probably off doing better things. She always seemed nice but I never really got to talk to her considering my friends all thought she was a slut for having an all boy friend group. However, I never thought the group was like that. They all seemed like a family, all happy and always laughing and something the others said. It was nice to watch.

You could tell Brendon was telling a story. He moved his arms all around and everyone was engaged in what he was saying smiling and leaning in. Then, he looked at me. That's when I realized the story he was telling was the one I just told my friends but he was getting a much better reaction out of it. I quickly turned around but it was too late. He saw me and I saw him. Awkward.

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