Chapter 2

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     My hand slammed down on my alarm clock. I sat up and grabbed my phone instantly burning my eyes with its brightness. 6:30 the screen read. I groaned and forced myself to get out of bed. As per usual I washed my face and brushed my jet black hair while coming out my wispy bangs so they looked neat and in place. After slightly waking up from my tired daze I brushed my teeth then changed into an acid tie dye shirt that I tucked into some loose demon shorts. Lastly I sat at my vanity ready to put on some makeup.

     I'm not going to say I'm not like the others girls and that I don't like to wear makeup and I HATE girly things because I do. I like wearing makeup. So what if I wanna put on some concealer and mascara with some blush? Maybe some highlighter? It made me look nice and it went perfectly with how my freckles set across my nose and on my cheeks and in my opinion my plump lips looked great with some gloss on them.  My mom always taught me there's nothing wrong with liking girly thing or liking not so girly things and I stick to that. You shouldn't take pride in hating your gender.

     After makeup I slipped on the usual black converse and grabbed my phone, backpack, and car keys.

   "Bye mom!" I said grabbing a granola bar on my way out.

"Bye honey!" She chirped getting her things for work.

"Oh yeah and I forgot to tell you; I need to go to Greg's from like 6-8 for a couple months" I tried to say as nonchalant as I could so she wouldn't notice. Did she notice though? Yes she did.

"A couple months? Why is that?" She raised a brow

"Oh um me and my...sociology partner are doing a paper on work can affect the human attitude?"

"Huh," She Looked back down at her purse, "I didn't know you were in sociology"

"Yeah well you must be so busy it just slipped your mind," I laughed nervously "anyway gotta go bye love you" I said as I quickly walked out the door to my car.

     The drive to school was about 7 minutes but adding in my daily stop for coffee it was always more like 12. I pulled up into the parking lot and parked my car in the lot next to senior parking.

    "Next year" I sighed to myself looking at the convenient parking lot that let you leave school the fastest. I made sure my well loved car was locked and headed inside the hell hole called high school. I waved to my friends while passing them on my way to my locker.

    When shoving my backpack in my small locker a hand set on my shoulder making me turn around.

"Oh hey babe" I said to David; my boyfriend of 9 months.

"Hey sweets, we still on for tonight?"

Shit I thought to myself. I forgot about that.

"Babe I'm so sorry but me and Brendon got in some trouble at Greg's and the owner is making us help out to pay him back."

"Brendon?" He raised an eyebrow, "what were doing with him?"

"Oh I wasn't with him we just ran into each other at the store. He was being a dick and we got in a fight and broke some stuff."

     And just then Satan himself  walked right behind David. I stared at him unknowingly for a second realizing I'm going to have to spend every single night with him till October 26th. He saw me and glared at me gesturing his hands in like a 'what do you want?' Way. I blinked back to reality and realized I've been tuning out my boyfriend that whole time.

"What? Sorry I zoned out" I said shaking my head.

"Babe I was saying I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be spending so much time around him. He could be a bad influence to you and I don't want anyone corrupting my girl" he said leaning in to kiss my neck.

"I'm not that innocent David my god." I said pushing him off me. He does this sometimes. He acts like I'm some innocent little fairy that he just has to protect from any other guy I come into contact with.

"Wow, someone's on their period" he said his hands up in defeat.

"I suggest you be quiet now" I said then walked away pissed as can be.

    First period was science that I practically slept through. Once you think about it you really don't need science. After that was photography. I walked in and was immediately reminded this is the only class I have with Brendon. Thankfully I also had my two best friends Macie and Lola so he wouldn't try anything. Strangely enough he only really bothers me when I'm alone.

     I got my camera bag from the cube lockers in the photography room and set it on my desk along with a roll of film I've yet to place in my camera. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his tatted arm knock the roll off the desk. Brendon may be 17 but he could easily pass for being in his early twenties which made his fake ID much more convincing I would think. It also helped that his parents just didn't care about anything he did. I doubt they've even noticed the soon to be sleeve of colorful marks on his arm.

"Pick it up" I said taking my camera out of the bag.

"Why should I?" He asked leaning on my desk.

"Because you knocked it down, asshole"

"No I think you should pick it up. You're going to need to get good at that considering our future for the next two months all thanks to you!" He kicking the roll a short difference from the desk.  "Might want to take care of that" he smiled sarcastically for a second then glared at me the next.

"You started all this shit Brendon, remember that" I said waking over and bending down to get the roll.

"You should wear those shorts more often, Indie" he smirked then walked away. Don't you love it when boys make you feel like an object just because they can? Same! Ever since the summer when I grew even more boobs and actually got some ass it seems to be boys favorite pastimes when taking to me.

   Macie and Lola came in right when the bell rings like they did everyday and sat by me. I told them everything that had just happened they rolled their eyes.

"I can't believe you're gonna have to see him everyday" Macie said (I had face timed the both of them after getting home to tell them the whole situation).

"Yeah if he does anything creepy towards you call me, my dad knows some guys." Lola said looking at her brand new iPhone. She was rich as hell and her dad always "knows some guys".

     Photography ended and I sluggishly got through the rest of my day. The final bell rang and I shot out of there and into my car eager to see my bed again.

     When I got home my mom wasn't home yet as per usual. I probably wouldn't see her till I got back from the store. I flopped on my bed and threw my shoes across the room. After about thirty minutes of doing nothing and then spending the rest of my free time doing homework I looked at my phone to check the time.

6:05 pm

Fuck. I'm gonna be late.

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