Chapter 15

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       I woke up and swept my hair out of my face checking my phone and seeing the date: September 26th. "Another year down. Too many more to go." I mumbled sliding out from the covers and slipping on a black crop top, skater skirt, fishnets and another pair of platform boots Corrine gave me. I brushed out my hair and made sure my bangs weren't standing up at the top of my head anymore. After putting on some makeup I looked in the mirror. What? Just because I hated my birthday doesn't mean I can't dress up a little for it.

"Happy birthday!" Brendon said as I got in his car. He handed me an iced coffee and I softly smiled.

"Thanks beeb." I said taking a sip. We drove to school listening to the usual music.

During photography I developed my pictures I had to take over the weekend. The prompt was 'life' so I had multiple pictures of my friends laughing and doing every day things you do. Brendon came into the dark room and started to develop his pictures as well.

"Hey Moon Pie what do you think of these?" I went over to his table to see pictures of our friends as well.

"I like them. They're cute." I said then walked back to my area. He grabbed my arm softly making me stop.

"I wanna show you my favorite!" He said pulling me closer. He pointed to a picture of me smiling and blocking half the shot with my hand. I turned towards him blushing and he smiled at me brushing his hair back.

"URIE, TIDE, YOU'RE MISSING CLASS. DEVELOPING DOESN'T TAKE THIS LONG." Our teacher shouted. He doubled as the P.E. Coach and he was a nightmare to make mad. We rolled our eyes and sat back out in the glass as he continued on with the lesson.


Back at Greg's the man himself, Greg, had given us 10 bucks each as a small 'thank you' gift for one month at the small store. We could get anything from the store if we just put the money in the register. I got a small keychain for myself along with some candy. I never asked Brendon what he got but it was probably something dumb like a pocket knife or anything that's dangerous in any way.

"I can't believe it." Brendon said sticking the $10 in the cash register.

"What?" I walked over to the cleaning closet and got a couple of brooms. Brendon took one and also took a box cutter.

"It's been a month since I stole your bra!" He laughed. I smiled and swatted him on the shoulder.

"I still haven't forgiven you asshole." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Hey when we're done with sweeping can you help me unpack some new food? Don't worry though, I'll open all the boxes." He held up the box cutter and smirked.

I stuck my tongue out and flipped him off. "Sure, dick."


      We sat down by the shelves and he pushed the nearest box towards us. He took the box cutter and glided right through the tape. We started putting tortilla's and pre-made pizza crust on the shelves in a comfortable silence. I looked down at my hand to see the faint mark that went from the pinky side of my palm to the ring finger.

      "I still have a scar you know." I said quietly still looking at my hand.

     "Really? You probably should have gotten stitches." He said shaking his head hiding a smile.

     "But I didn't! Plus I'm all better now. Look!" I stuck my hand out to show him. He softly grabbed it and looked at the scar. He winced and looked up at me. I looked into his gingerbread colored eyes and he looked into my deep green ones. He took his hand and tucked my hair behind my ear like he always does but he never took his eyes off me once. I glanced down at his lips and looked back up at him. What this actually happening?

       He let his hand go from my hair to behind my head and let the other venture to my waist. He pulled me in closer and before I knew it his lips were softly pressing into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened becoming more and more passionate, likes he's been waiting a whole month (or longer) to do this. And so have I. Because of the platforms on my boots I didn't have to go on my tiptoes but I still let my left leg raise a little just to now only the tops of my toes were resting on the ground.

     He slowly pulled back and rested is forehead on mine his head still tilting down. He now laid both hands on my waist rubbing them slowly back and fourth as we breathed.

     "Let's get back to the boxes" he whispered.


A/N: and THAT is how you give your readers a dopamine high in less than 1,000 words. God bless, sinners.

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