Chapter 22

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      I woke up in a groggy haze. The group had left me to sleep in my own bed last night after Brendon went missing all of the sudden. Going to an after party and getting drunk just didn't seem as fun if he wasn't there so I just ditched the idea all together. I reached for my phone and scrolled through the notifications. None from Brendon. Sighing, I called Corrine to ask of if she's heard from him at all.

     "I don't know, he's just...gone." Corrine said obviously just waking up.

     "He can't be just gone! I saw him five minutes before he left. Do you think we can drive by his house and see if he's there? I'm worried about him. " I paced around my room an awful residing in my chest.

    "Fine. I'll be there in like 5."


   We pulled up to his driveway and I quickly got out and ran up to his door. Still rapidly knocking the door slowly was pulled open. Brendon's mother greeted me smiling.

"oh hi honey! What do you need?" She sweetly grinned.

"Hi Grace, did Brendon ever come home last night? We think he left with someone at the dance but he's not answering his phone and I'm starting to get worried." Mrs. Urie looked up while trying to recall if she ever heard the door open.

"Now that you say it I don't think he ever did. I wouldn't be worri- well...not that worried on your part due to of," She looked at the ground pausing, "past events. I'm sure you'll here from him soon."

     "Past events? What do you mean?" I looked in her concerned eyes trying to figure out what she was hiding.

     "Oh nothing hun, don't you worry!" She quickly closed the door and I was left on the front step.

    "Any luck?" Corrine said as I got back into the car.

    "Nope. Nothing. She just said something about 'past events' whatever that means"

    "Huh. Yeah. I wonder." Corrine said then turned the radio on to drown out any more talking. Something was up.


    After Corrine had dropped me back off at home the rest of my day consisted of watching bland television and having a mini seizure every time my phone buzzed. Finally after about 20 false alarms my phone rang. I rushed to click the answer button the moment I saw his name flashing on the screen.

    "Brendon? Are you ok? Where are you? Where have you been?" Words blurted out of my moth.

     "Indie I-uh..." his voice was shaky, "I can't do this anymore. I'm at my aunts lake house right now. I just can't be with you." He sounded exhausted.

     "What do you mean? You just can't do what? Brendon what's wrong?" I felt a lump forming in my throat.

     "I-I-" there was mumbling on the other side of the phone, sounds of struggle. "I just don't like you in that way. I never have. It's over Indie. Goodbye." Three beeps had signaled to me that Brendon was gone. I sat there shocked, not even knowing how to process this. Then before I knew it the tears were flowing. Exiting out of Brendon's contact I clicked on Corrine's.

    "Any new news on Beebo?" She asked then heard my sobbing. "Oh god. Tell me what happened."

     "He just called me and he-" the sentence what cut short by my uncontrollable sobs, "he told me he's at his aunts lake house and that we can't be together because....because he never even liked me." I cried louder and louder before Corrine interfered.

     "Indie, there's something we need to talk about." She said seriously, "Brendon has done this before. And I mean multiple times before. None of us thought he would do this to you though, he seemed to like you so much." Her time was heavy and sad.

     "What do you mean 'he's done this before'?" I sniffed.

    "He gets a girl to like him, they fuck around, he leaves and goes to his aunts lake house for a little bit, he dumps the girl"

     I hung up in disbelief. Sure at first Brendon seemed like an asshole to me before but I truly thought I got to know him. I thought he was a genuine guy. No. This isn't right. Something's wrong. I ran up to my room tears still streaming from my eyes and pulled open the drawer from my vanity. His keys. There's no way he could have gotten to any lake by Uber considering the nearest lake was two hours out of town. I studied the keys in my hand as if they were going to give me any answer and jumped when my phone buzzed again.

Beebo 💕: I need my keys. Go to Greg's tonight and I'll grab them.

     Yeah smart guy. I thought to myself. We're going to find out what this really is all about tonight. I replied to the text and waiting till the clock struck 6:00.


    "Thanks Dal. I'll see you later." I waved while hopping out of Dallon's car. I felt bad making Corrine driving me places all day so his time around I asked the good ol' bassist.

    "No prob. Just be careful." He said before driving away.

   It was weird walking to up Greg's alone. About a week ago Greg told us he didn't need us anymore and that he thinks we 'learned our lesson'. Plus when we did 'work' there Brendon always took me. Now it just felt lonely and honestly kind of creepy.

     I let the keys jingle in my hand as they grabbed the handles on the door. Damn it. It's locked. Sighing I walked around the side of the store to go to the back. It wasn't the ideal way to get into the store but it worked. Finally reaching the back of the store my heart skipped about 7 beats because of a trash can tipping over. It already being dark out I made Brendon's keys slip in between my fingers to make a claw like weapon. Slowly getting closer and gripping the keys harder I discovered it was nothing. Probably just a stray cat who ran and smacked it on his dash out.

    Now shrugging and giggling to myself about getting scared of a cat I turned around see a tall coated figure. I opened my mouth to scream and tried to run when they grabbed my waist and pulled me close making it hard to breath. Kicking my legs and throwing my head around I screamed louder. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks and the keys dropped to the ground. Still fighting, the figure put a cloth over my mouth and nose which smelled like awful chemicals. My head began to feel heavy and so did my eyes. My throat could no longer make any noise over a small whimper and my legs could only slightly kick even when using all my strength. No no no no no I thought.

Then everything went black.

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