Chapter 25

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A/n: look at this gif

A/n: look at this gif

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It's so pure. I can't. He's so cute. Holy shit.

Corrine's POV

I didn't hear from Indie much for the rest of the weekend and I don't blame her but it wouldn't hurt her to respond to a text or two. Brendon's been pretty MIA too but honestly I'm not shocked.

This whole situation is so fucked up. I thought he genuinely liked Indie, whenever he has a girlfriend he doesn't let her meet any of his friends and it ends in a week. Indie was different. He wouldn't shut up about her and treated her like she was his whole world. I knew Brendon could be a dick sometimes but I didn't know he could be like this. It's too late now to do anything about it anyway and besides, it's Monday. Indie has to talk to me.


I walked into school getting through the first few hours slowly dying to see her. finally lunch came around and i practically ran to the cafeteria just to be greeted by Josh, Tyler, Dallon, and Ryan. No Brendon, No indie. poor girl must have stayed home from school.

  "I feel awful," josh sad picking at his food, "what's gonna happen when they come back? i want to keep Indie in the group!"

    "I know," I said softly, "but you know how Brendon is. once he's done with a girl she's out."

     "This is bullshit!" Dallon rang out slamming his fist on the table, "where is she gonna go? her other friends turned out to be a bunch of fakes! she's gonna have no one." Ryan put his hand on Dal's shoulder to calm him down. I slumped in my chair and pushed my tray away. no one was eating at all.

    "I'm going to try to call her again. I'll be back." I got up from the table and went to the bathroom so I would be able to hear her clearly...if she picked up.

     The phone rang and rang and l was losing hope. Right as l was going to end the call there was a voice.

   "Hello?" It was a girls voice for sure but it didn't sound like Indie.

   "Hello? Who's this?" I asked.

   "What do you mean? Corrine it's me. It's Indie." The voice sounded familiar but again it wasn't Indie.

    "Indie are you sure it's you? You sound...weird."

   "Of course it's me! Heheh" I looked weirdly at my phone and hung up. That wasn't Indie at all. The voice was too high pitched and pretty. It was like someone was trying to be her.


    "What do you mean you think she's in trouble?" Tyler said taking a bite of a pb&j. Hunger had taken over our sadness at that point.

    "I'm telling you! Someone answered the phone and it wasn't her! They kept on saying it was but it wasn't!" No one was believing me.

    "Call her again. I wanna hear for myself." Dal said putting down his pizza. I dialed the contact again and held it up to his ear. The voice answered again and his jaw dropped. "That's not Indie." He said after hanging up.

     "Thank you!" I sighed relived that someone now gets it.

    "Ok so if it's not her then who is it? And where is Indie?" Ryan asked.

    "I don't know. What if she was kidnapped?" Fear started to eat my mind and Josh could see I was starting to panic.

   "Hey hey hey we don't know that. She maybe just didn't want to answer the phone and had an old friend answer it for her." He sat back in his chair and we all looked at him like he had just said the dumbest thing ever said. "Ok yeah no she's in trouble."

    "My house. Tonight. We're getting her back." Everyone nodded their head as we went back to eating.


A/N- why did this take SO LONG to write?

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