Chapter 21

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A/N: new cover! How do y'all like it?


      "Up so soon?" Brendon asked sitting up in my bed running his fingers through his (for once) messy hair. I took his shirt from the end of the mattress and slipped it on.

      "The dance is in three hours. I need to start getting ready" I walked over to my vanity and straightened out my bangs.

    "No you don't. It's three hours. There's like two more hours for....activities.....we could be using right now." He motioned to the pillows and blankets around him.

    "I'm gonna shower." I said ignoring his last statement.

   "Can I come with you?" He smirked. I glared at him and walked into my bathroom turning on the shower.

  "You are staying in here and cleaning up," I took of the shirt and stepped into the warm water, "There's still the after party."

   I heard him snicker to himself followed by the springs of my mattress. He was probably stretching and not cleaning up like I asked him to. Typical.

Brendon's POV

     Goddamn. I looked in the mirror while pulling up my black skinny jeans. My chest was now covered in purple blotches. I swear this girl is an animal. Indie was humming to herself the melody to Casual Affair, a song I had showed her earlier today. My lips curled into a smile and I attempted to fix my hair. It's been about three weeks since we started dating and I have to say I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm used to going from girl to girl as shitty as it sounds. I don't think I've ever had a girlfriend for longer than two weeks but there's something about Indie that's different. Everything about her is perfect in every way. She's an angel.

"Asshole!" The so called angel said walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "I told you to clean up!" She took the fallen pillows off the floor and stacked them on the bed. I came up from behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

     "I'll clean up. You focus on getting ready." She turned around and looked up at me. God she was gorgeous. Indie stuck out her tongue but then quickly stood on her tip toes to give me a peck on the cheek.

    "Thank you Beebo." She said them walked into her closet to get new clothes.

    "No problem Moon Pie."


Indie's POV

      The hours went by and soon my room was clean and my makeup and hair was done. Now all I had to do is get my dress on and also my shoes.

     "Hey Beeb what's the time?" I said putting on some extra lip gloss.

    "7:00" he said while looking on his phone.

     "Shit! The group is gonna be here any second!" I ran into the closet and quickly stripped. Almost ripping the dress while taking it off the hanger I slipped it on and zipped myself up, a challenge I've mastered over the years. I jumped and got the black strappy heels from the top shelf in the closet and tied them on. "You ready to see?"

    "Oh hell yeah I am!" I heard Brendon say from the other side of the door. I slowly stepped out and was met by his jaw dropping. "You look fucking dope." He said in amazement.

   "Dope." I smiled and came closer softly pressing my lips into his. As of on cue there was knocking at the door. "They're here!" I ran down the steps (well, as fast as you can run in heels). And swing open the front door.

Janitor Duty {BRENDON URIE}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora