Chapter 24

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I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room. It was a cute pink themed room with a small vanity and bed but no windows. Where am I?

Dragging myself out of the bed my body felt heavy and sore. I almost fell while stumbling over to look in the mirror of the vanity. I studied my face: long black hair with wispy bangs, dark green eyes, full lips. Who am I? What's my name? What day is it? What's the year?

With thoughts swarming in my head the door softly opened and in came a man with light brown hair and a long black coat. "Morning dear!" He sang. I've seen him before. Fear started erupting from my chest. This man is bad. Very bad.

"Who are you?" I said slowly backing away.

"Oh honey, I'm your husband! You see you got into an...accident and you're suffering from memory loss. That's all. Don't be alarmed." He sat me back down on my bed and proceeded to answer all of my previously thought questions.
"Your name is Poppy Jones. It's currently October 23rd 1956. You get changed and I'll take you downstairs to reintroduce you to our maids and gardener."


Brendon's POV

I heard footsteps from above. I must be in the basement, but basement of what? A store? House? Who knew. All I knew was Indie was in trouble and I had to get us out of this place. Soon enough the door to the cold damp room opened and I thrashed in my chair.

"Calm down Brendon. There's no way you can get out of this chair. Chill." David snarled as he walked behind me. He put the same mask he was wearing earlier on me so the bottom half of my face was covered. "If she sees your face her memory might come back. That can't happen."

"What did you do to her?" I asked still trying to yank my arms free of the zip ties.

"Like I said, gave her the injection. She doesn't remember shit. She doesn't even know who she is!" He laughed as if this was some great thing, "now, I'm going to introduce you to poppy; her new self. Your name is Zack. If you try anything...she's dead and I'm making you watch her brutal, bloody, inhuman murder. Got it?"

I nodded my head. So just grabbing her and running out wasn't an option anymore. I had to make her remember. This is going to be harder than I thought.


Cassie, Lola, and I stood in a straight line waiting for David to bring Indie to the kitchen. The 'maids' kept a close eye on me as I anxiously tapped my foot on the ground.

Slowly, David walked her down the stairs. The injection must have worn her out a shit ton because she had to cling onto him and take each step one at a time. She had on a pink dress straight out of the 50's and her hair was in a neat bun. They were finally standing in front of us and I felt tears weld up in my eyes.

"Poppy, this is Cassie and Lola, our maids," huh. I guess they didn't play a big enough role in her life to jumpstart her memory, "and this is Zack: our gardener." Indie smiled at us all and reached her hand out. Cassie shook it first, then Lola, then me. I softly grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes trying to find any sort of memory she could have. They looked scared and helpless. The old Indie is still in there.

"Nice to meet you Zack," She politely said and grabbed onto David's arm again. Her eyes panned down to my blood stained shirt and she frowned, "are you hurt? what happened?" She asked as she rushed up to me and rested her hands on my shoulders studying the red blotches.

"He's fine honey, the maids will take care of it." David pulled her back and glared at me. "Here, why don't you get started on lunch? You remember how to work a stove don't you?"

"Why yes, I suppose." She said looking at the old glass stove and oven. She moved like a disney princess.

"Great, I'll just be right here." David rammed his shoulder into mine while going to sit at a bar stool, "gardener, maids, get to work!"

Cassie and Lola instantly left the room, he looked at me as of a cue for me to go back in the basement but I stayed standing. "Actually, sir, the 'gardening' is done for the day. I think I'll just stay right here." I smirked and took a stool two down from him. Not being able to do anything without alarming Indie he grunted and accepted it.

    "So Zack, What happened to your shirt? And why the mask?" She said while chopping some vegetable. I turned towards David and raised an eyebrow.

    "Yeah, what did happen to my shirt? And why the mask?" I asked in his direction.

    "Oh Zack don't you remember? You fell in a rose bush, the mask is for your ~awful~ cold." He said bluntly.

     "That's a lot of blood for falling on thorns!" Indie said her eyes wide. "Ah!" She gasped as she backed away from the cutting board. Her hand bled as I realized while talking to me she cut it the same spot as the box cutter.

     I rushed to her and grabbed her hand softly, David stood up quickly to a cabinet to get a bandaid. "Are you ok?" I asked trying to find how deep the cut was. Indie stayed silent. I looked up at her eyes and she stared straight into mine. She slowly lifted her hand from mine and pulled my mask down exposing my whole face.

     "Brendon?" She whispered. I held her arm and nodded. Next thing I knew she was gripping the mask still half attached to my face and squeezing my other arm with the opposite hand. I looked down at her arms and back at her face, her mouth was open and she was trying to speak. Shifting my eyes to the left I noticed the shot being injected into her by Cassie who had just ran up. Indie slowly went limp and folded into my arms.

    "You didn't think this would be that easy...did you?" David laughed.

    Fuck. This. Shit.

Janitor Duty {BRENDON URIE}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin