Chapter 23

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My eyes slowly opened blink by blink. Now I sat staring at my lap trying to focus my sight and also trying to recall what happened. Suddenly it all came back to me. The man, the trash can, the screaming. I pulled my chest forward and attempted to pull my arms apart but it was no use. Whoever took me had me strapped in tight to a chair.

I jumped as five pounding knocks rang across the empty room that contained one note empty chair. A woman came in with a knife in hand. "He will see you now." She said. My eyes focused on her face and I realized who she really was.

"Cassie?" I croaked.

"What? Shocked?" She giggled. Instead of the usual pink shirt and leggings she had on an old fashioned maid outfit. What kind of sick twisted shit is this?

"Honestly, no." I snapped back. She glared then went back to her plastered on smile. Just then the same man entered the room. He had a mask covering his face and wouldn't speak till the door was completely shut.

"Hello, honey" he pulled the mask off to reveal a face that made my chest burn. David.

"What the fuck is going on?" I tugged again at the zip ties that were cutting off my blood supply.

"That will be explained shortly. For right now though, you have a little visitor."

One more woman came in wearing the same maid outfit as Cassie. She had long brown hair and tan skin. I could tell who she was from a mile away. Lola. She turned around shutting the door while holding back the hands of a blindfolded and gagged man.

    "Brendon?" I said softly. I couldn't believe it. The moment he heard my voice he pulled away from Lola with muffled shouts. David was quick to punch him in the face and gut and forced him down into the chair across from me. They removed his blindfold and gag.


     David stood with his hands behind his back. He smiled an evil smirk and laughed. "I said I would. I never promised."

     "You're dead." Brendon spat then tried to break free of the zip ties that bound his arms and legs together as well.

    "Build God, then we'll talk." He flicked Brendon's blood stained shirt. What have they been doing to him all night?

    "What are you going to do to us?" I squeaked as loud as I could. I wasn't sure if I was still drugged up past the point of talking or just terrified.

      The girls laughed but stopped immediately when David shot them a look. He moved closer and closer till I could feel his breath. "Care to speak louder, Darling?" He whispered.

      Brendon was once again thrashing in his chair now even harder. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" He yelled so loud you could hear his throat straining. David quickly turned around and punched him in the face making a small scream come out of my mouth. Seeing Brendon hurt was probably one of the worst things I've ever seen. David then slowly turned back towards me.

     "Now what were you saying?" He put his hands on the thin armrests of the metal chair.

    "I said," my voice being a bit louder, "what are you going to do to us?"

   He stopped for a second, as if deciding weather to tell us or not. Thankfully, he began to explain:
     "you see, ladies and gent, Cassie and I got to talking. I want you, Indie, and she wants Brendon. Lola on the other hand wants me but she knows the only way to have s part of me is to help me with way of life."

   "New way of life?" I repeated after him.

   "Cassie and Lola will be my maids. Brendon is my gardener, and finally you, Indie, will be my loving wife." He grinned evilly as I stared at him in disgust.

   "What makes you think I'm going to want to be your wife?" I snapped. He waited just a few seconds before answering.

   "Because, sweetheart, when you wake up, you won't remember a single thing about your life before today." Just then a sharp awful pain entered my neck. Brendon was shouting once more but the sound slowly drowned out and everything lost focus again. In my daze I caught just a few more words. "They give this shot to mental patients. Once the memory is restarted it makes adjusting to heir new environment much smoother."

   My head became heavy, like a bowling ball attached to my neck. With all of my strength I lifted it one more time to get a last glimpse of Brendon before god knows what.

  And just like that, I was asleep again.

A/N: oh shit David? The bad guy? WhO kNeW?¿!

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