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The next day, you are still locked up in your room. "Izumi! Come out!" Rei said as he knocked on your door but no replies, making his patience run low. "I have no other choice then." He muttered and took out his phone from his suit pocket. "Shougo, can you talk some sense into your sister?" Rei said to the phone once he heard your brother answered. "Izumi? What's wrong? I'm coming now." Shougo said and before Rei can stop him from coming, he ended the call.

An hour passed and Shougo came. "Rei, what happened?" Shougo asked as he looked at him. "He doesn't want to film a CM." Rei summarized and Shougo smiled. "Leave it to me." He said while smiling and showing an 'ok' sign and Rei stood at the side. "Izumi? It's onii-chan, can you open the door?" He said while knocking on yoru door and the door opened soon after and Rei just stood there, jaw-dropped.

"Onii-chan!" You said while hugging him and crying. "Wakatta, Rei told me." Shougo said while patting you and you sat on your bed while he sat on the floor. "Onii-chan, i don't want to be in that CM." You said and Shougo just took out something from his bag. "Demo ne, i brought something for you." Shougo said as he took out a plastic. "Moshi gashi te.. The book i wanted?" You asked and Shougo nodded while smiling. "You can have it, if only you promise to film the CM." Your brother said and you looked at him, wide-eyed. *CM? Book?* You thought and after a few seconds, you look at your brother. "And?" Shougo asked, waiting for the answer. "Wakatta.. I'll film it." You said while sighing in defeat. "Good girl." Shougo said and left while you took the book happily and started reading.

"What happened?" Rei asked as he looked at Shougo. "Okay desu." Shougo said while showing an 'ok' sign and smiled. "Oi, what happened to your rehearsals then?" Rei asked as he looked at him, suddenly thought about Shougo's band rehearsals for their performance on a music show. "Izumi is more important." Shougo said and Rei groaned while shaking his head. "You go to the car and wait for me in the van, i'll drive you to the studio." Rei said and pushed Shougo out of the door before he could insist on staying. *Well.. That's settled for now.* Rei thought as he heaved a sigh of relieve.

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