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The next day, you are walking towards the door when Rei walked out of his office. "Izumi, i have good news to tell you." Rei said and you looked at him. "Himchan-san woke up and is resting in the hotel room." Rei said and you nodded. "That's good then." You said as you wore your shoes.

"Where are you going?" He asked and you looked at him after wearing your shoes. "There is a book sale going on, isn't it obvious that i'm going?" You said with your eyes sparkling. *Omae baka ga?* Rei thought and sighed. "But you are already popular, how can you go out in public?" Rei asked. "I'm wearing this glasses and look at what i'm wearing. They will not know me." You said as you gestured to your usual outfit and nerdy glasses. "Be careful then." Rei said and you nodded while smiling and waving.

As you are walking, you got knocked down by a running girl. "Ah~ My glasses." You said as you looked at your broken spectacles. "Honto ni gomenasai." The girl apologized sincerely as she bowed. "Can you still wear it?" She asked and you looked at her. "It's okay and i don't think it's usable." You said and her eyes widen. "Ah! Anata wa.. Sena Izum?!" She shouted as she pointed at you and your eyes widen when all the people stopped and looked at you. "Honto da." You heard other people talking and whispering as they pointed at you. Soon, you are getting mobbed by the people and you ran for your life.

Meanwhile, Himchan is alone in his own hotel room and sat on the bed while sighing. *What did she say? She likes me? Huh?* Himchan thought and groaned while rolling on the bed, confused. *How can she like me when she just saw us a few times?* Himchan thought again. *Well sure.. I like her because she's pretty and all but.. Do i really like her like how she like me?* Himchan wondered and hit his bed. *I have to call her.* Himchan thought and looked at his phone.

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