Congratulations or bashes?

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A week later, news came out that you and Himchan are spotted in Korea, Dongdaemun. "Izumi! Check out the news!" Rei shouted and you walked to the living room and ]saw picures of you and Himchan. "Must be Himchan-san's fans." Rei said and you nodded. "Izumi, i'll be going to TS to discuss about this issue. Want to come along?" Rei asked and you nodded without second thoughts.

Once you and Rei reached TS, both of you went straight to Taesung's office. "Konnichiwa." Rei greeted as he bowed ninety degrees and you followed. "Come in." Taesung said and both of you went in. "I'm really sorry for the scandal again." Rei apologized and after the translator translated, Taesung apologized as well. "I'm really sorry for causing your artist trouble as well." Taesung apologized and the translator translated. "Kochira koso." Rei said and soon, the door suddenly opened and B.A.P walked in.

"Sajangnim, you called for us?" Yongguk asked and he saw you. "Izumi-san?" Himchan asked and you just smiled slightly. "Yes, we are about to discuss the scandal." Geunyeon said and they nodded. "But.. First thing's first.. Are the two of you really dating?" Geunyeon asked and after the translator translated, Rei sighed. "Hai.. They are dating." Rei said and they nodded. "As we thought." Taesung said and B.A.P looked at him, shocked. "Sajangnim, vice-president, you knew?" Himchan asked and they nodded. "About a few months back." Geunyeon said and they nodded. "What do you plan to do then? Release the news that they are dating or hide it?" Taesung asked as he looked at Himchan and back at you while the translator translated.

"Ano.. I want to release it." You said and after the translator translated, they looked at you, shocked, except Rei. "Are you sure?" HImchan asked and you nodded. "I don't care about the fans' bashing or whatever. To say the truth.. It's going to be hard to keep meeting if we keep hiding since fans' or reporters will catch us again." You said and after the translator translated, they agreed. "Well.. In some way, that makes sense." Youngjae said and you nodded. "I'm just going to go with whatever my artist wants. Taesung-san, Geunyeon-san, what are you decision?" Rei asked and after the translator translated, they looked at B.A.P, mostly Himchan.

"We'll go with revealing it then." Himchan said and you looked at him. "It will be unfair if my girlfriend reveal it and i don't, right?" Himchan asked and you hugged him, he hugged back. "I'll always be right behind you." Himchan said and you smiled. "Kochira koso." You said and Himchan smiled as well. Just then, Rei cleared his throat and both you and Himchan broke the hug. "Well then.. I think the decision is set then." Rei said and after the translator translated, they nodded. "Let's have a good time working together." Taesung said and after the translator translated, Rei nodded as they shook hands. "Since i think we'll see each other often in the near future." Geunyeon added and after the translator translated, Rei smiled.

A few days later, both TS and Sena Pro. released statement that you and Himchan are dating. Some fans are bashing but more fans are congratulating you and Himchan. *This seems like a happy ending. Me and Himchan-san are happily dating and more fans are congratulating us. This makes a happy ending indeed.* You thought and smiled to yourself as you messaged Himchan.


Hey guys!! This is the end of the story^^ How is it?? Is this a failure?? I hope not>< Since this is the first time i'm writing a korean/japanese fanfic. Thanks for reading and following me^^ Likes and comments are appreciated^^ I'll work harder to write better fanfics^^ By the way, i wrote this fanfic based on an anime^^ If you want to know the name of the anime, message me and i'll tell you but warning!! It's y_o_ or BxB

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