A shock

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The next day, B.A.P is in Japan, filming for their MV. As they are filming, Himchan and Youngjae made a mistake and they have to film again. "Sumimasen." They apologized while bowing and the staffs waved it away. "Hyungs, gwaenchanha?" Jongup asked and they nodded. "The two of you hit each other, right? Quite hard at that too." Daehyun said and they just waved it away, preparing to film the MV again.

As they are on a break, they started asking B.A.P to introduce them to you when suddenly the studio door opened and you walked in with Rei. After introducing yourself, all the staffs are hurdled around you, complimenting your looks and other things. "Introduce us." They said and B.A.P just stood at a corner, smiling and you noticed your crush is not there.

You excused yourself while Rei is busy talking to B.A.P's manager and went to the waiting room. "Himchan-san." You said and he opened the door. "What are you doing here?" Himchan asked and you looked at him. "Well.. Rei is bringing me around to introduce myself, saying that is is important to introduce myself to companies." You said and Himchan nodded. "Chigaimasu, i meant.. Why are you in the waiting room?" He asked and you nodded while your face turned red.

"Because.. I-i have.. Something to tell you." You said and Himchan looked at you, asking you to continue. A-anata.. S-suki d-d-desu." You stammered and Himchan looked at you, shocked. You saw his expression and sighed in depress. "Gomenasai." You hurriedly apologized and as you are about to go, Himchan grabbed your wrist.

"Himchan-san?" You asked and before you know what happened, he fainted before you. "REI! Dareka imasenka?! Dareka tasukete! REI!" You shouted and soon, Rei came with their manager and B.A.P and they hurriedly brought Himchan to the hospital.

"Luckily it's just fever. Hyung should've told us." Youngjae said and they nodded. "Izumi, arigato. For telling us." Youngjae said and they followed. "Dou itashi mashite." You said and they smiled. "Gomenasai. They are already busy as is and because of the press conference." Rei apologized and their manager waved it away. "We should thank you instead. All the scandals and rumours are forgotten." He said and Rei smiled a little. "Izumi-san, let's go." Rei said and you nodded and followed him. "Don't worry, it's just a slight fever, he'll be fine soon." Rei said and you nodded.

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