Meeting Shougo

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It's the day of the press conference and you locked yourself in your room. "Oi Izumi! Get out now!" Rei shouted, patience running thin. "Rei.. Can i don't go? I think i changed my mind." You said and before you know it, your door has been kicked open. "I had enough with you. You are the one that says you are going and now you are not?! Well.. It's too late because they are there waiting." Rei said and dragged you into the van before you can even protest.

Once you arrived, you saw Maho, Miho and Shiho there. "They will be helping you again." Rei said and they greeted you, you greeted back. A few minutes later, you went to where B.A.P is. "Gobusata shite orimasu." You greeted and they greeted you back. As they are there, talking and doing other things, you kept staring at the tv and nervousness started filling you. "Izumi?" Himchan said as he noticed you are acting strange. "H-h-h-hai?" You said and the world started spinning around you.

"Daijoubu?" Himchan asked and you opened your mouth but no words came out. *She's scared stiff.* Himchan thought and looked at you. Himchan breathed in deeply and when he looked around, he saw that all the members are doing their things. He walked closer to you and hugged you before you you can even respond. Soon, he break the hug and looked at you. "Wh-what was.. T-t-that for?" You asked, feeling more nervous than before. "How about a kiss then?" Himchan teased and you looked at him. "Nani?!" You shouted and all his members looked at you. "See? You got your voice back." Himchan said while smiling and you looked at him. "Honto da." You said while smiling and he smiled back. "Arigato." You thanked and he waved it away. *But now.. My heart is beating nervously for another different reason.* You thought and sighed internally.

As you and Himchan are talking, the door suddenly burst open and you felt someone hugged you protectively. "Onii-chan?!" You shouted, shocked and Shougo looked at Himchan. "Izumi, is he your boyfriend?" Shougo asked, accusing Himchan. "Shougo! What are you doing here?" Rei asked and mentally cursing him because he have to manage another trouble maker. "Shougo? Sena Shougo?" They asked and he nodded. "Nanda?" He asked and they looked at him, wide-eyed. "Wow.. He's handsome in person." Jongup said and they agreed mentally. "Arigato." He thanked while smiling and you looked at him. "Onii-chan! Hanase yo!" You shouted and he finally released you from the hug.

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