In who's MV?!

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A month later, you started doing more and more commercials and being spokesmodel for certain brands and you are slowly getting more and more popular.

"Wow.. Izumi is really cute in this pocky commercial." Your mother said as your whole family, including Rei, is watching it on tv. "Okay now, let's watch my drama." Your mother said and all of you agreed. "You mean the psychologist one?" Your father asked and she nodded. "Izumi! You are so cute in the CM!" Shougo squealed in a manly tone and you just thanked him while smiling. *What a doting family* Rei thought while looking at the scene before him.

A few days later, Rei got a call from a director. "Funaba kantoku," Rei answered and after talking to the director on the phone, he went into your room. "Izumi!" Rei shouted and kicked open the door even without knocking or waiting for your response. "Naniyo Rei? You can't just kick open a girl's door, you know!" You shouted and Rei nodded. "Gomen but, i just have to tell you an amazing news." Rei said and you looked at him, curious. "You just got an offer to be the lead role in a MV." Rei said and you looked at him, wide-eyed. "LEAD?! Rei, i never even acted before and i don't want to go into that field yet." You said and Rei looked at you. "The director is Funaba Jurou, which is also the director for B.A.P's new japanese MV." Rei said and you looked at him. 'Honto?!" You asked and he nodded. 'Wakatta, i'll go." You said and Rei smiled. "I knew you'd say that which is why i accepted that job." Rei said as he pushed up his spectacles. "EH?! Then why did you tell me?! How can you accept it without telling me?!" You shouted and Rei sighed. "Hai hai, sumimasen." Rei sighed and went out while closing the door.

*Lead role in B.A.P's new MV?! But wait.. What will i say when i see Himchan-san? I confessed to him.. Doushiyou.. Ah. Wakannai yo!* You shouted in your head as you kept rolling back and forth on your bed.

Meanwhile, B.A.P is meeting the director and the staffs. After introducing themselves, they started discussing about the plot and whatnot. "Oh yeah, by the way, i got Sena Izumi to be the lead role in your MV." Funaba said and all of them looked at him and praised him on getting you on set while Himchan just froze. *Izumi?! Sh-she confessed to me. How can i face her? Wait.. If she accepted this offer means that she's over it already, right? So.. I should not mind about this too.* Himchan thought and convinced himself that you are over it already and nodded.

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