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You are in the worn down cabin with Himchan. "Here, use this first." Himchan said in japanese as he tossed you a blanket and you caught it. "Arigato." You said and wrapped it around you.

"It's kind of cold, isn't it?" Himchan said and you nodded. "The heater's down so.. It can't be helped." You answered and it's back to quietness. "Ano.. Why did you come after me? You'll fall too, isn't it?" Himchan asked in half japanese and half korean and after figuring it out, you sighed as you looked at him. "It's nothing. Don't think much about it." You said and looked at the worn out wooden floor. *How can i let my crush fall down?* You thought as you sighed internally.

"Hey, Izumi-san.. Does.. Does your.. Confession still stand?" Himchan suddenly asked in japanese and you looked at him, wide-eyed. "Doushite?" You asked and Himchan blushed. "I think.. I.. Have fallen for you." Himchan said in japanese and blushed harder, making you blush as well. "Of course it still stands." You said and without warning, Himchan hugged you, shocking you.

"Himchan-san, what are you doing?" You asked and he smiled. "No one's here, right?" He asked and you nodded. "Sou.. Da ne." You said and hugged him back. Soon, both of you are wrapped under one blanket, with you sitting closely beside him and his arm around you. "This can also make us warm." Himchan said and you nodded while smiling as you lean your head on his shoulder.

"Rei! Where's Izumi?!" Shougo shouted once he reached the venue. "Wakaranai. The rescue team can't come due to the weather." Rei answered. "Shougo.. Gomenasai.. Because of me, because i didn't keep a close eye on her, because i didn't stop her in time, she fell." Rei apologized while bowing and Shougo patted his shoulder while smiling. "Rei, it's not your fault, it's mother nature, right? Accidents happens when filming anyways." Shougo said and Rei looked at him, wide-eyed.

"Ah.. But can we just wait? I can't wait any longer without knowing whether Izumi is okay or not." Shougo said and the rest of the staff looked at Shougo, still shocked that he came here all the way just for you. "Is there a way to go down?" Shougo asked and the rest of them shrugged their shoulders. "This can't do, i'm going to save Izumi." Shougo said and before they can stop him, he walked out into the pouring rain. "Shougo!" Rei shouted and followed right behind him.

After walking around for almost an hour, Rei found a way down. "Shougo! Here!" Rei shouted and both of them went down. As they reached below, they looked around and Shougo found the cabin. "Rei! I bet she's in there!" Shougo shouted and as Shougo is walking there, Rei stopped him. *I forgot to tell him that his precious sister is with her crush.* Rei thought and Shougo looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Shougo looked at him, confused. "What if there are people in there? It's rude to just barge in, right?" Rei asked and Shougo looked at him. "It looks pretty abandoned to me though." Shougo answered. "You can never be too sure, right? Why not i go first and if it's her, i'll tell you." Rei said and Shougo nodded, believing him. *He's really an airhead.* Rei thought and ran to the cabin.

"Izumi! Himchan-san!" Rei shouted softly as he walked in. "Rei." You said as you stood up. "Himchan-san, Izumi, you are alright." Rei said as he heaved a sigh of relieve and you hugged him, he hugged back. "Izumi, Shougo's here." Rei said and your eyes widen. "Huh?! If onii-chan is here, he will definitely kill Himchan-san if he knows why we end up here." You said and Rei nodded. "Which is why we are changing it a little." Rei said and you nodded. "Wakatta. Himchan-san, don"t say anything, alright?" You asked and Himchan just nodded.

"Shougo! She's in here!" Rei shouted and it didn't take long for him to come in. "Ah! Why is he here?! Izumi! Why is he here?! What did the two of you do?!" Shougo shouted, protective mode turning on. "Onii-chan!" You shouted and before you can say anything, he pulled you into a tight hug and you relaxed in his embrace. "Glad you are okay." Shougo said and you smiled.

"Okay now, care to explain why he is here with you?" Himchan asked and you gulped down your saliva while biting your lips. "Onii-chan, he ended up down here with me because he tried to save me when i was about to fall off the cliff but because the rock suddenly crumble, both of us ended up down here." You explained and Shougo nodded.

"Let's get out of here." Rei said and all of you nodded. As you and Shougo are walking out, Rei held Himchan back. "What is it?" Himchan asked and he gave him a piece of paper and left. Himchan cocked his head to a side, confused as he looked at the paper. After a few minutes, the four of you reached the venue where the director and the staffs are at. "Glad all of you are alright." They said as they heaved a sigh of relieve.

After HImchan showed the paper to his translator, she translated and Himchan nodded. *If you hurt or do anything to Izumi, i will not let you off easily.* Himchan repeated what the translator said and smiled. *I won't do anything to hurt her so don't worry.* Himchan thought as he continued smiling to himself.

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