Celebrating valentine's

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"Himchan-san, for you. And.. These are for all of you as well." You said as you gave out your home-made chocolate. "Arigato." Daehyun thanked as he opened up the box and started eating. "Seriously.. Have some etiquette will you?" Youngjae chided which got ignored by Daehyun. "Wow.. This is seriously delicious." Daehyun exclaimed, making you blush. "Himchan-san.. D-do you.. Like it?" You asked, embarrassed. "Hai, it's really delicious. Arigato." Himchan said and you smiled while blushing.

"Oh yeah, want to go sight-seeing?" Himchan asked and you looked at him, not liking the idea. "What's wrong?" Himchan asked and since you understand most of the korean words now, you sighed. "What if i get lost?" You asked in korean and they got shocked. "Wow.. You speak like a korean." Daehyun complimented and you blushed. "You improved alot." Youngjae said and you smiled. "Yeah well.. I'm a fast-learner and it's also thanks to Himchan-san for teaching me." You said and Himchan blushed slightly.

"You won't, if you hold on to my hand tightly, like this." Himchan said as he hold onto your hand, making you blush and soon, you blushed. "Yah, stop doing this and go." Yongguk said and both you and Himchan chuckled. "Umm.. Aren't you joining us?" You asked and they shook their head. Wakatta. Have a good valentine's day." You said and left with Himchan.

Meanwhile, Shougo and Rei are walking from shops to shops and Shougo have bought at least one thing from each shop. " Oi! Are you going to shop till you have no money left?" Rei asked as he looked at Shougo who is carrying alot of shopping bags. "I bet none of these are for your parents, right?" Rei asked and Shougo just smiled sheepishly. "Mataku.. I'll buy souvenirs for them then and some chocolate too." Rei sighed and Shougo smiled. "Thank you." Shougo said n english and Rei just rolled his eyes.

"Izumi, this place is Dongdaemun." Himchan said and you look in awe. "Wow.. They have three shopping malls?" You asked and Himchan nodded. "But.. There are alot of people as well." You said, fear could be heard and suddenly, you felt Himchan's hand holding yours. "Don't worry, i'm here." Himchan said and you smiled. "Yah! Come back in five hours!" Their manager said and Himchan nodded.

After going from shop to shop, you haven't bought a thing. "Not a shopper?" Himchan asked and you nodded. "But onii-chan is. He always buys stuff." You said and Himchan nodded. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" Himchan asked and you shook your head. "I'm good. How about you, Himchan-san?" You asked as you looked at him with caring eyes. "I'm good too." Himchan said and you nodded while smiling.

Five hours passed and both you and Himchan returned back to TS. Once you reached, you saw your brother carrying tons of shopping bags while Rei just carried a few. "Onii-chan, what did you buy again?" You asked. "Some useless stuff as always." Rei groaned and Shougo pouted. "Rei! How can you say that?!" Shougo shouted, feeling hurt. "Well.. If you never use it, it's called useless baka." Rei said and Shougo puffed our his cheeks. "I do use it." Shougo said and Rei sighed, feeling that the conversation isn't going anywhere.

"Well.. We should go. See you." Rei said and Himchan nodded. "See you later." You said as you hugged him and broke the hug within seconds. "Bye." Shougo said in english and left with Rei and you. *And again.. What a weird brother.* Himchan thought as he shook his head while sighing.

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