Meeting them for the first time

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A few weeks later, you are walking on the streets, going to a book store when you saw a huge screen, showing the CM you filmed. You stopped crossing the road and turned to the side and watch it. "Who is the girl with Ryouma? She is very pretty." You heard one of the female asking her group of friends. "Don't know but do you think she is an actress or model or singer?" Her friend suggested and you heaved a sigh of relieve.

Meanwhile, B.A.P just arrived in Japan. "We'll go to King Records first." Their manager said and they nodded. Once they reached, they greeted everyone and the staffs greeted back. "B.A.P, want to eat dinner together at the restaurant with us?" One of the staff asked and they nodded.

Once they are done recording, the staff found out that Shougo still hasn't recorded his song yet. "Can you wait for awhile? I have to do something first." He said and the staffs nodded. "We'll go to the restaurant and wait for you then. Sato! You bring them to the restaurant." One of the staff said and he nodded while calling someone.

"Sagara-san, Sato here. Crusherz still hasn't record their song." He said and Rei groaned internally while mentally scolding Shougo. "Gomenasai, can you come over? Our fax machine is out of order. I'll pass you his lyrics and demo.' Rei said and Sato looked at B.A.P who are chatting. "Sagara-san, can i bring some guest too? I have to bring them out but this thing came up." Sato asked and Rei sighed internally. "Wakatta, bring them then since it's only for awhile." Rei said and ended the call.

"B.A.P, can we go somewhere before we go to the restaurant?" Rei asked and B.A.P nodded after their translator translate. As they are on the road, B.A.P looked around. "Sato-san.. Where are we going?" Himchan asked in japanese. "Sena pro., private agency. Don't tell the others we went there, okay? Sagara-san only allow those he trust in, which is only me because i'm Crusherz composer." Sato said and they nodded. "By the way, when you are there, mind your manners, okay? Sena Pro. are full of A-lists celebrities." Sato said and they nodded.

Once they arrived, they are shocked as they are in front of a big mansion. "Sagara-san, Sato here." He said as he pressed the bell and spoke into the speaker and soon, the gates opened and they walked in. Sato came a few times so he's not that amazed anymore whereas B.A.P kept looking here and there and making sound effects. "Come in, i'll give you the demo and lyrics after i'm done scheduling Seiya-san's schedule." Rei said and he nodded and they went to the living room.

You opened the door and you saw lots of shoes outside. "Rei, your friends came?" You asked as you went into his office and Rei shook his head. "They came here for work and they'll leave soon." Rei said and you nodded. "Oh yeah, remember to greet them if you saw them." Rei added and you nodded.

"Konbanwa." You greeted as you saw them in the living room. "Konbanwa." Sato greeted while slightly bowing. "Meet B.A.P, a korean group." Sato introduced and you bowed while looking at them and your eyes are fixed on one person only. "Izumi-chan, dinner is ready." The housemaid said and you nodded. "Tell Rei to eat too." She added and you nodded while smiling. "If you excuse me." You said while bowing and went to your room. "Rei, dinner's ready." You said as you went to his office after putting your things in your room. "Wakatta." Rei said as he stood up, finally finished his work and took the lyrics sheet and CD demo tout with him.

"Hontoni gomenasai, here are the lyrics and demo." Rei said as he passed it to Sato who took it while thanking him. "See you later." Sato said and Rei said it back while bowing. "Rei.. Do.. You know those six guys?" You asked as you sat down while eating your dinner with Rei. "I don't know them. Why?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "Just curious." You simply answered and Rei nodded but looked at you, suspicious.

"Sato-san, who is that girl?" Jongup asked once they are in the car and back on the road, going to the restaurant. "Izumi-san? She's Shougo's younger sister." Sato replied and they looked at him, wide-eyed. "Shougo.. As in.. The world famous visual rock band vocalist?" Youngjae asked and Sato nodded. "Lots of people doesn't know but.. They are actually a family. Sena Seiya, world famous musical actor and Sena Nagisa, model turned world famous actress are actually Sena Shougo and Sena Izumi's parents." Sato said and their jaw-dropped. "Wow.. She's born into a very famous house then." Daehyun said and Sato smiled. "You can say that. And Sagara Rei, the guy just now, is the family's manager." Sato said and they nodded.

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