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The next day, it's filming day and after Rei dragged you to your waiting room, you got pulled in by Miho, Maho and Shiho and they started doing their job while Rei stood outside. Once you are done, Rei walked in and saw you in your nervous state again. *I'd better find the director.* He thought and walked out.

"Yo." Kitaragi greeted and you greeted back while bowing. *That idiot.. Believing in this type of thing.* Rei thought as he shook his head while walking to the set. Soon, you reached the set with the director and Rei saw your calm expression. "Rei, hold this for me." You said and Rei nodded.

"We'll be starting soon! Places everyone!" The co-director shouted and you went to your place and Himchan stood beside you. "Start!" Kitaragi shouted and the cameras started working."Camera 1, zoom in on Izumi!" The director shouted and the cameraman zoomed in on you and after filming for the whole day with only an hour break from time to time, the filming for today is finally over. "Otsukaresama deshita." All the actors and actresses said at different timing and the staff said it back.

After you changed out of your outfit, you are walking with Rei while talking, making Himchan lose his chance to talk to you. *Why is that girl never alone?!* Himchan thought as he looked at your back-view. *During break, she's talking to the staffs or Rei and now the shoot's over, she's talking to Rei.* Himchan thought and sighed again.

"Yah, let's go." His manager said and he went to his manager. Once he reached his hotel room, he opened his laptop and video chat with Yongguk. "Yah, how's it going there?" Yongguk asked and Himchan sighed. "Not that good, i guess?" Himchan said and Yongguk looked at him, curious and worried. "Wae? What happened?" Yongguk asked and he groaned. "She's never alone, making me no chance to tell her." Himchan sighed out and Yongguk shook his head. "Yah, check your script, see if there's any scene where you and her are alone." Yongguk said and Himchan took out his script.

After flipping through pages, he finally stopped. "Ne." Himchan said as his eyes shone. "Good then, use that chance wisely." Yongguk said as he smirk, making Himchan blush. "Good luck." Yongguk said and he thanked him.

A few days later, you and Himchan are filming the scene where you and him are alone but it's on a cliff. "Ready?! Start!" The director shouted and the cameraman started filming. "Cut! Good work both of you." The director shouted and both you and Himchan thanked him too. "Izumi.. C-can i talk to you?" Himchan asked and you looked at him and when you stepped towards him, he backed away, flustered and suddenly, the rocks below him turned to crumble as the rain started pouring, making him fall. "HIMCHAN-SAN!" You shouted and ran after him, making you fall with him. "IZUMI!" Rei shouted and wanted to go with you but Kitaragi held him back.

"Keep all equipments!" Kitaragi shouted and all the staffs are busy. "I have to go." Rei said as he struggled free but to no avail. "You think you falling is going to help us?! Calm down and use your head!" The director shouted and Rei finally calmed down. "Sumimasen." Rei apologized and the director just patted his back.

Rei took out his phone and called Shougo. "Rei? What happened?" Shiugo answered. "NANI?! Ima iku." Shougo said and ended the call after Rei told him. "Dante, Jiro, i have to go. My sister's in danger." Shougo said to his band mates and they looked at him, wide-eyed. "HUH?! We are going to perform in one minute." Jiro said. "Gomen.. It's urgent." Shougo said and Dante sighed. "Wakatta, go. But treat us something expensive for this." Dante said and after Shougo thanked them, he left hurriedly. "Dante, what's wrong with you?!" Jiro shouted, obviously not liking his idea. "This is the first time i've seen him this serious before which means that it is really something he must do or he'll regret for the rest of his life." Dante explained and Jiro nodded.

"Kantoku! The rescue can't come in this weather." One of the staffs said and Kitaragi groaned. "Guess we'll have to wait for the rain to die down then." He sighed and looked at Rei, who is pacing back and forth near the glass door. *Izumi.. Please be safe.* Rei prayed as he bit his lips, nervous. Meanwhile, you and Himchan reached the ground, with you on top of him. "Himchan-san.. Daijoubu desuka?" You asked, worried and he nodded. "What about you?" Himchan asked in japanese and you nodded. "Ah.. It's started pouring." You said as you looked at the rain. "Ah.. There is a cabin there. Let's go. Let's take shelter there." Himchan said and after piecing his gestures, you figured out what he's talking about and nodded. "Hai." You said and he hold your hand and both of you went in for shelter.

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