First kiss

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You are in the waiting room with Rei and three other females. "Ohayou gozaimasu." The three of them greeted and you just stood there, frozen. "I'm Miho and i'll be your make-up artist and stylist." Miho introduced. "I'm Shiho and i'll be doing your nails." Shiho continued. "I'm Maho and i'm your coordinator." Maho added. "These three are our trusted backstage staff who also helped Shougo." Rei said and you looked at them. "Uh-huh." You said and Rei looked at them. "Ladies, you know what to do. I'll be waiting outside." Rei said and the girls nodded while smiling.

"Oh, look at her eye colour, they are the same as Shougo's." Shiho said, making you blush a little. "Oh, her hair is so silky and her skin is so smooth." Miho complimented as she touched your hair and face, making you uncomfortable. "You have such a small stature too." Maho said and as she measured your size. After doing everything, they opened the door and Rei turned around.

"H-how.. Do i look?" You asked, nervous. "You look pretty, good work ladies." Rei complimented and they smiled at him. "Let's go to the set and meet the director and he will explain the plot to you and Ichijou-san." Rei said and you nodded. "Don't worry, if anything happens, they will help you and i'll be there to help you as well." Rei assured and you are a little relieved at his assurance. "Director, Izumi-san is here." Rei said and Director greeted you and you greeted back. "Nice to meet you again." Ryouma greeted and you greeted back. "Ryouma-kun, i love your acting." Your mother said as she went to him and Ryouma just thanked her while smiling and bowing politely.

After explaining, the director start shooting. "We only have a day to shoot this so let's get started." The director shouted and everyone went to their place. Ryouma is already in his spot and you are at your spot. "Ready? Action!" The director shouted and the cameraman started filming. The door opened and you saw Ryouma in front at the end of the isle. As you are slowly walking towards him, you tripped onto your own dress and fell down. "Cut!" The director shouted and everyone ran to you. "Daijoubu?" Everyone asked and you are already crying, messing up your make-up. "We'll start again when Izumi-san is cleaned up." The co-director said and the three ladies brought you to the waiting room.

After doing everything, you are cleaned again and you walk back to the setting with Rei and the ladies. "Daijoubu desu ka?" Ryouma asked in his worried tone. "D-daij-joubu d-desu." You stammered, couldn't control your nervousness. "You are the same like 10 years ago. But still.. You managed to finish the shoot." Ryouma said and you looked at him, wide-eyed. "Hai?" You asked, confused. *I was sure i made mistakes though.. How.. Did i manage to film it perfectly?* You wondered, confused and curious. "Here, lucky charm." Ryouma said as he took out a marble from his pocket. "That's right! The lucky charm." You said and Ryouma smiled. "Here, i'll lend it to you." Ryouma said and you took it from him while thanking him and he just smiled. "It sure works like last time." You said while smiling, finally calmed down. "Director! We can continue to film!" Ryouma shouted and everyone went back to their place.

Soon, you are day-dreaming after feeling the calmness and when you woke up from the day-dream, you noticed you are kissing him. "H-hu.. Wh-wh.. AH!" You screamed and ran to your waiting room. *What happened? Did i.. Do something wrong?* Ryouma wondered, curious. "Moshi gashi te.. This is her first?" Your mother said and your father nodded while Ryouma looked at her. "What do you mean?" He asked and your mother looked at him. "This is her first kiss." Your mother said and Ryouma nodded. *That's why.. Shocked me.* Ryouma thought and heaved  a sigh of relieve.

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