A bet?

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The next day, you are about to go to your room when Rei stopped you. "Izumi, i need to talk to you." Rei said in his serious tone and you looked at him. "Nani?" You asked, curious.

"Izumi, look at this picture." Rei said as he showed you the picture of you and B.A.P together which the paparazzi took. "Wh- Rei, what is this?" You asked, shocked. "They are having a scandal with you and the paparazzi took this picture." Rei said and you looked at him. "And? You have a plan right?" You asked and he nodded. "To cover up for this scandal, we are going to have a press conference.. About your show business debut." Rei announced and your jaw-dropped.

"HUH?! No way, no way in hell!" You shouted and Rei looked at you. "And why is that? When you are also the cause for this." Rei asked as he fold his arm. "Iyada. Zettai ni iyada!" You shouted and locked yourself in your room and Rei groaned while rubbing his temples. *As expected. This is going to be hard.* Rei thought and went to his office.

As you are in your room reading some magazines, you saw a news that they will print out whoever's the best story that was sent to them and the deadline is next week. *This is it. This will be my writer's debut. And best of all.. The author i like the most is one of the judges!* You thought and nodded while smiling and you hurriedly went to your table and started writing a story.

You locked yourself in your room for a few days and Rei is slowly starting to get worried. Finally, you are done with your writing and a day to spare. You took your things and was about to leave when Rei stopped you. "Where do you think you are going after locking yourself in your room for a few days?" Rei asked, tone full of authority. "I'm going to sent this to the publisher to publish my story in the magazine." You said and Rei looked at you with his brows raised.

"And what if you can't get it? What if they reject it? What are you going to do? I'd rather you spend all your time practicing your speech for the press conference rather than doing something that is wasting your time." Rei said and your anger rises. "And i told you i don't want to be famous! How many times do i have to tell you?! I'm not going to that press conference!" You shouted in anger and Rei looked at you and sighed while pushing up his spectacles.

"Fine, why don't we make a bet? If your story doesn't get chosen, you will make your show business debut and if your story gets chosen, you can do whatever you want." Rei suggested. "Fine." You said and slammed the door behind you and stormed off to Marukawa Publishing co.. *Perhaps.. I am a little too harsh towards her?* Rei wondered after you left and he sighed. *Well.. She will get harsher comments than this so..* Rei thought and sighed, couldn't shake away the worries for you inside of him.

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