Acting prodigy?!

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The next day, Rei brought you to Kitaragi's company. "Kantoku will be late so please wait for him here." The secretary said as she opened the door and both you and Rei went in. "Izumi, please wait here for him while i go and sign the contract with her. By the way, make sure to be on your best behaviour when he gets here." Rei said and you nodded.

As you are waiting, the door opens. "Gomenasai, i'm late." A young guy in his twenties said and you looked at him, shocked. "Ah! You are even more beautiful in real life!" He exclaimed. "Eh?" You asked, shocked and he smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Gomen, i'm Kisaragi Jin, the director." He introduced and you nodded. "Hajime mashite, i'm Sena Izumi." You introduced as you bowed and he nodded. As the two of you are talking, Rei walked in with the director's secretary. "I just signed the contract." Rei said and you nodded. "Oh yeah, there will be a dress-up the next day." The director said and you nodded.

The next day, you reached the venue and saw Miho, Maho and Shiho there along with some other actors and actresses. "Come on, let's start dressing up!" The director walked in and the three of them pushed you into the dressing room and started putting make-up on you, "I chose these clothes personally so i hope these fits though." The director added and soon, the three of them are putting clothes on you and take off after the director approved.

"Um.. I know i shouldn't be asking this but.. Why am i the only one that have to try on so many clothes? And why do i have to cross-dressed as a man too?" You asked as you looked at Kitaragi and he looked at you. "You didn't know? Your character has split personalities, three personalities." He said and you looked at him, wide-eyed. "Three?! Ano.. I don't know if i'm okay to play such an important role. Shoudn't a more professional actress do this instead of me?" You asked and he just smiled while patting your back. "You'll be fine." He said and you are back to the dressing room.

After a few hours, you are finally done and you are exhausted from trying and taking off clothes. "Here's the script. Although there are instructions on how to make the split personalities character come out, i want you to make an original one for the thee of them. Can you handle it?" He asked and before you can say anything, he continued, "The script reading is in tree days, try your best." That said, he walked off with his secretary.

Once you reached home, you locked yourself in your room. It's the second day and you are still not out yet. "I wonder if Izumi is alright." Rei wondered out loud and your mother, who is sitting on the couch, heard and looked at him. "She'll be fine. She's my daughter after all." Your mother said with a smile and Rei smiled back. "Sou da ne." Rei said and went into his office.

It's the third day and it's script reading day. You are still locked in your room, thinking when Rei knocked on your door. "Izumi! Time to go!" Rei shouted. "Rei.. I think i will skip this." You said and Rei sighed while pushing up his spectacles. *This again.* Rei thought and without any warning, he kicked open your door, walked straight to your wardrobe, took your clothes and threw it at you. "Wear this and gp. NOW! You don't have any time to spare. Everyone's there and Himchan-san is rushing there too." Rei said and you nodded.

Once you reached the venue, rei stood at a side while you sat beside the director. "Hajime mashite, i'm Sena Izumi and i'm new to this field so.. Yoroshiiku onegaishimasu." You said and as you bowed and they smiled while cooing at how cute and pretty you are. Soon, the script reading starts when Himchan arrived at the scene with a translator and manager. "Izumi, you'll start first." The director said and you started seeing stars and you started sweating cold sweat while stuttering. *Ah.. He's too nervous.* Rei thought and everyone was flustered when the director had an iidea.

"Izumi, look at this pen." The director said and you looked at the pen he's holding. 'Do you know? This is actually a lucky pen. When you hold this, you will instantly feel calm and all yoru nervousness will be gone." He said and Rei jaw-dropped. "As if that's gonna work aho!* Rei shouted in his head and you really calmed down when you hold it. *AH! It really work!* Rei thought and sighed out while shaking his head.

"Okay then, let's start again." The director said and you started playing your role very well, expressive and excellent, like a pro. After you acted out the three split personalities perfectly, everyone clapped and praised you. "Are you really a newbie?" One of the script-writers asked. "She's like a pro." Another one added. "She's a prodigy." They complimented and you just looked around, blushing at their compliments. "Izumi, how can you act so well? Did you have an acting teacher?" One of them asked and everyone looked at you, curious.

"Nope, i have nothing like that. Maybe it's because of my mother. She used to ask me to do script-reading with her and if i didn't express well, she will scold me, saying that if i didn't express the role well, her character's role will not be able to come out. Ah! And she also used to act out bedtime story for me when i was young too and i can't really sleep because she kept on acting and acting." You said and shiver at the trauma you gained. *Ah.. No wonder Nagasa-san said that to me.* Rei thought and smiled to himself. "As expected of Nagaisa-san." "The teaching of an expert." You kept hearing these and when you turned to look at Himchan, he looked at you, stunned, and you quickly turned to look away. *She's really, really perfect huh.* Himchan thought and blushed slightly but hurriedly turned his head when he finally noticed that he has stared at you for a long time.

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