Debut stage

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A week passed and news about you having your debut stage spreaded like wildfire. You finished recording all your album songs which consists of three songs, your MV is already out and your album are selling at hotcakes. The only thing left is your debut stage, which is tomorrow at Music Station in Chiba.

The next day came in a blink of an eye and you locked yourself in your room. "Izumi! Come out now! Time for breakfast and we are heading out!" Rei shouted as he knocked on your door. "Rei.. I'm not feeling good." You said which is partly true because your stomach is churning. "Izumi, now's not the time to be playing. Everyone's anticipating your debut stage!" Rei shouted. "Not helping!" You shouted and Rei groaned.

He kicked open the door and saw you hiding under your blanket. "Izumi, time to eat." Rei said as he dragged you out. "You'll be fine. Just imagine yourself acting or doing voice-acting." Rei said and you groaned. "It's not that simple. What if i made a mistake and everyone started laughing?" You questioned and Rei groaned internally. "You'll be fine. Just like your acting and voice-acting." Rei kept comforting you and you sighed while nodding. "Arigato Rei. If you say so then.. It should be true, right?" You asked and Rei smiled.

Once you reached Music Station, your eyes widen. "Wow... It's huge." You said and Rei pushed up his spectacles. "It should be, this is an event hall." Rei answered as he walked to your waiting room with you following behind. "Ohayou Izumi." Miho, Maho and Shiho greeted once you went inside. After doing everything, you went out and Rei looked at you. "Sena Izumi! Dry rehearsal in 10!" One of the staff shouted and you looked at Rei, nervousness showing on your face. "You'll do fine. Just relax." Rei said as he pat your back and you smiled. "Yeah." You said and went to the stage. After the rehearsal, you thanked the staff and went to your waiting room. "That's good. Once the show starts, just think of it as a rehearsal." Rei said and you smiled. 

Once you finished performing, all the audience and your fans cheered. "Good work. You did great." Rei said and you smiled while thanking him. "Izumi, i'll be out for awhile, alright." Rei said and you nodded. Once the door closes, you took out your phone and messaged Himchan, telling that your debut stage is a success.

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