Going to your house

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[a/n: The photo showed is Sagara Rei, the family's manager, with and without glasses.]


A month passed and B.A.P are finally coming back to Japan for their comeback and you are excited. "Rei!" You shouted as you ran to his office and he looked at you. "What's up?" He asked. "Himchan-san and B.A.P are coming to Japan. Can i ask them to come over?" You asked and Rei sighed. "I allow but.. It will be a pain if Shougo is here, isn't it?" Rei asked and you groaned. *Whatever, i'm still going to invite them.* You thought.

A few days later, B.A.P is recording in King Records. "Good to see you again." The staffs there said while smiling and they smiled back. As they are recording, you are at home and Shougo is there too. *Great.. Onii-chan is here.* You groaned and Shougo looked at you. "Izumi, are you.. Dating that Himchan guy?" Shougo asked and you froze while gulping down your saliva. "O-onii-chan.." You said and Shougo looked at you. "Are you?" Shougo asked again and you nodded while looking down. "Wakatta." Shougo said and stood up. *What is onii-chan thinking?* You wondered as you sighed.

An hour passed and the door bell rings. You opened the gate and B.A.P walked in with their translator, still impressed at the mansion. "Welcome." You greeted and rant o hug Himchan, who hugged you back. "Ah! It's time for dinner. Let's eat together." You said and they nodded while smiling. "Izumi-san, who's at home?" Youngjae asked in japanese. "Onii-chan, Rei and obaa-chan." You said and they nodded.

"Izumi! Who's here?" Rei asked as he wiped his wet hair. "Oh.. Konbanwa." He greeted and their jaw-dropped. "He's handsome too." Jongup said and soon, Shougo walked towards Rei. "Hi." Shougo greeted in english and they greeted back. "Wow.. What is this place? The guys are handsome and the sister is pretty." Daehyun said and they agreed. "Himchan-san, i accept you dating with Izumi. But.. Just a little." Shougo said and you smiled. "Onii-chan!" You shouted as you hugged him and he ruffled your hair. "Oi! Let's eat." Rei said and you nodded.

"Rei-san, you don't have to wear your spectacles?" Jongup asked and Rei shook his head after their translator translated. "I have perfect eye-sight, i just wear those to stop people from gathering around me." Rei said and after their translator translated, they nodded. "Izumi, where are your parents?" Himchan asked in japanese and you looked at Rei who sighed. "I told you, didn't i? They are in Bali, shooting for an advertisement. I think they'll be there for a week." Rei answered and they understood after it is being translated.

Once they are done eating, Rei is helping to keep the dishes and Jongup helped as well. "Jongup-san, you don't have to." Rei said and Jongup just smiled. "I want to help." Jongup said and Rei smiled back. "Arigato." Rei said and Jongup smiled. When Himchan, Daehyun and Zelo reached your room, their eyes widen. "Wow.. It's like a library in here." They exclaimed and you smiled. "I told you right? I want to be a writer." You said and they nodded.

"Rei, i want to eat cake." Shougo said and Rei looked at him. "Huh?! Get it yourself." Rei said and Shougo started whining while Yongguk and Youngjae just stood there, stunned. "Mwo..Ya?" Youngjae asked and Yongguk nudged him, asking him to keep quiet. "Ah! Wakattayo! I'll go with you." Rei groaned as he stormed away with Shougo behind, smiling like a puppy.

"Did Rei and onii-chan go off?" You asked and the two of them nodded. "I've been wanting to ask you but.. Did you and Shougo bleached your hair to blonde?" Himchan asked and you shook your head after their translator translated. "Our father's father is Caucasian so we are born with it." You explained and they nodded. "Oh yeah, why didn't you call Rei onii-chan also?" Jongup asked, confused. "Hmm.. Probably because i've been calling him by his name since young." You replied and they nodded.

Soon, Rei returned home with Shougo. "We bought cake." Rei said and all of them started eating after thanking him. After hanging out for a while more, they left after thanking you, Shougo and Rei. "Message me okay?" Himchan said as he hugged you and you hugged back. "Oi! Stop it." Shougo said as he broke the hug. "Onii-chan!" You shouted and Shougo pouted a little. "Datte.." Shougo said, still pouting and Rei groaned. "Shougo, let's go." Rei said as he dragged him away, making B.A.P smile. "See you later." They said and left.

"They are really a happy family huh." Daehyun said and they nodded. "But Shougo-san is really weird." Youngjae said and they laughed, besides Yongguk. "Don't say that about people." Yongguk said and they nodded. "Ne hyung." Youngjae said and they went back to their hotel.

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