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"Hey guys, this is Emily," Spencer introduced me, gesturing for me to sit with her.

"I'm Aria," A brunette sitting at the table answered and smiled.

The blonde just stared at me like I was a ghost.

"I'm Al-Alison,"" She stuttered, then took a breath. "I'm Alison." She said again more confidently.

Spencer and Aria gave the girl a look. I guess the queen bee didn't stutter often.

"Nice to meet you." I replied, sitting down and starting to eat.

Alison kept her eyes on me the whole time, like she was trying to read my mind. She had this expression in her face, on that seemed like she was trying to get each and every secret from me. I was trying to act like I had nothing to hide, but I do. I have a ton of secrets.

A few moments later, another blonde, not as pretty as Alison, but still really pretty, sat down next to me.

"Emily, this is Hanna." Spencer stated.

Hanna smiled. "Hey. Have any boys hit on you yet?"

"Hanna!" Alison scolded, annoyed and defensive.

I was shocked. Why would Alison care if any boys hit on me? And why would Hanna ask that?

"Um, yeah actually," I said, confused and embarrassed.

Alison looked down at her food, and an expression flickered across her face for a second... almost jealousy? No, that can't be right, I must've imagined it.

"Who?" Hanna perked up, excited at the potential gossip.

"A kid named Noel. And Ben. Plus some other guys, I guess too." I admitted.

Hanna giggled. "Of course they did! I mean your a regulation hottie! You have your pick. So who you want to go out with?"

Did she just quote Mean Girls? I laughed. "I guess if i could go out with any boy here, it would be Ben. But I'm not a regulation hottie."

Alison then spoke. "No, she's right with your perfect, thick brown hair, deep set chocolate brown eyes, high cheekbones, muscular body and full pink lips, your gorgeous. It's only right that all the boys like you." She said with a strange tone.

I looked at her. Did she just call my gorgeous? She's the gorgeous one with her long, curly blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, adorable dimples and bow shaped lips. I need to snap out if it. She's a girl, they are off limits. I don't have to be a lesbian. I can be normal. But I don't want to be. I want to be in a happy relationship with the beautiful girl in front of me. But by the looks of her, she's as straight as you can get.

"Woah, Alison! Descriptive much?" Hanna said, snapping me out of my daydreams. Alison flushed a deep crimson.

"I was just telling the truth," She mumbled, under her breath, probably hoping no one heard her. But I did. I made eye contact with her clear, electric blue eyes. She looked away, startled.

"I have to go," She said and quickly stood up.

"What's up with her?" Aria said. "She doesn't normally act like this."

"Yeah," Spencer chimed in. "She usually just talks about herself, not other people. And if she does talk about other people, it's always the latest and darkest gossip. What makes you different? She's also not very open to new people in the group. But she accepted you and then complimented you? Alison never compliments anyone." She trailed off, lost in thought. I could see her thinking about the situation.

I was just as lost as her. I bet Alison was trying a new tactic, to get juicy new secrets. Pretend to be my friend, then betray me.

"I'm gunna go," I said. "The bell will ring soon and I want to be early to my next class so I can talk to the teacher."


"See you later, Em!"

I walked away, confused about Alison. At first I didn't recognize her, but I think I know her...but from what?

Hmm...what's up with Alison's strange behavior? Does she know Emily? And from what? I'm going to update soon so stay posted! don't worry, the first few chapters will be background but I promise there will be romance. Lots of it. ❤️❤️😉


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