The Perfect Night

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~Emily POV~

I met Alison at her house at 6:30. She smiled and kissed me.

"Hey, beautiful." She said.

 Alison was trying to subtly stare at my cleavage, but she wasn't very good at hiding it. Her eyes traveled down to my thighs, that were barely covered by my revealing dress.

"Oh my god." She muttered.

I looked at her strapless white dress. Even thought there wasn't that much cleavage showing, her dress was even shorter than mine, and mine was short.

 "How am I going to spend the whole night with you when your wearing that?" I said. Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud, and I felt myself starting to blush.

She giggled. "Don't worry. I won't be in it the whole night."

What a tease.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we got into her car.

"You'll see." She smirked.

I groaned. "You are one of those secret date people."

Ali laughed. "Only for you babe."

I watched as Ali drove into the city. She pulled up at a valet parking. We got out of the car and I couldn't help but stare. She looked perfect in that dress.

I gasped when I saw where we were. "Oh my god. Alison Dilaurentis! How did you know I loved the Melting Pot?" I squealed like a child.

I've loved the Melting Pot since I was a child. It was my favorite restaurant. I fell in love with the idea of cooking your own food at the table. Food always tastes better when you make it yourself. And I loved the chocolate fondue. As they say, chocolate make your clothes shrink. The restaurant was fancy, yet laid-back. It was a loud, yet romantic setting, with amazing food. My perfect fit. I had no idea how she knew, but Ali was amazing. That's why I loved her.

"I know you." She responded. Her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

I pulled her in for a passionate, yet chaste kiss and followed her into the restaurant. We enjoyed a couple of hours holding hands, eating and talking. It was perfect.

"Ali, I'll pay for half." I said as the check came.

"Oh no you won't. It's on me. I'm the one taking you out." She insisted.

"But it's so expensive. You don't have to-"

She cut me off. "I got it Em. You're so sweet, but you can make it up to me later tonight." She blushed when she heard what she said.

"Gladly." I smirked.

As we drove to her house, I put my hand on Ali's thigh. She smiled but continued driving. Once we got to her house, we went inside.

"My parents aren't home." She announced. Alison turned red again. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. "I didn't mean it like that."

I raised an eyebrow, challenging her statement. "I think you did."

Her breath hitched and took my hand, leading me upstairs. She closed her door, but she didn't have a lock yet. I need to get her one.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I wasn't kidding." She slowly slid my dress off. "I can't get used to your perfect body."

"I can't believe that you're mine." I whispered as I unzipped her dress.

Alison touched her lips to mine and immediately deepened it. Her tongue entered my mouth, and she took steps backwards to the bed. By now, she somehow already unclipped my bra without me noticing, so I undid hers.

I laid down on the bed. "Two times in one day?" I smirked.

"I just can't stay away from you." She moaned.

I laughed and kissed her neck, and went down from there.

I'm so sorry for not updating! My summer just blew by me and I had no time for writing. I've picked it up again, so expect a lot more updates. Thank you all for sticking with this story and patiently waiting for my next update. I've been working on another Emison story, which I plan to publish soon, with a Sashay story following it. Follow me for updates about those stories. Make sure to comment ideas and feedback!! Love you!!

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