Not Exactly...

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~Ali POV~

My parents looked at me, shocked. It felt like they were staring at me forever. I could feel the sweat building on my forehead as I waited for their answers.

My mom broke the silence first. "I thought you were just friends."

"We were, but we decided to become more than that."

My mom thought for a little while. "I don't really understand how your heart and brain works...but I can't control it. If your happy with Emily, then I'm fine with it."

"Ali, we want you to be happy. If Emily makes you happier than any boy would, then go for it." My dad picked up.

My mom smiled. "I always knew there was something different about my daughter. At least I won't have to worry about boys anymore. But, I am watching you."

I looked at her confused.

"The door will remain open when Emily is here." My dad said.

I blushed. "Oh. Okay. And thank you, for understanding."

"Ali, we love you. We might need to get used to this, but we will support you." My mom confirmed.

"Yeah. Where's the nearest gay pride festival?" My dad asked.

I smiled and hugged them. "I love you."

I ran up to my room and called Emily. "Em! I told me parents about us and they approved. They were shocked, but they'll get over it."

"Wow, I can't believe it!" She said. "One set of parents down, one to go."

"Are you going to...?" I trailed off.

"Yes. I think I am. Close your windows and put on earmuffs because there's going to be a screaming match soon." She said.

"Okay. Good luck!" I said. "Love you!"

"Love you more." She said and hung up.

I looked at her house, worriedly. I could see it from here. Four houses away from mine, but on the other side of the street. I sighed. I hope everything goes well.

~Emily POV~

My dad just got home from work and we were eating dinner. It's now or never.

"Mom, Dad. I have to tell you something." I started. "Look,

I'm not the girl you think I am. And I'm sorry. I just want you to understand. You don't have to approve, but..."

My mom looked at me. "Are you pregnant?"

"What? No. Never!" I responded.

"Good, because abstinence until marriage, right?" My mom concluded.

"No..." My mom stared at me, confused. "Because I'm...I'm not into boys. They stared at me blankly. "I'm gay." I whispered.

"What did you say? Emmy speak up, we can't hear you." My dad said, kindly.

"I'm gay. And I love Alison." I said confidently.

My parents were shocked.

"Emily. Go upstairs." My mom said sternly.

"Before you say it's wrong can we talk about it at least?"

"Go upstairs!" She said angrily.

"But..." I tried.

"Now!!" She yelled. "I can't look at you right now! What happened to your morals?"

"Pam." My dad put his hand on my moms shoulder. "Let her talk."

"Ugh. Why are you being so defensive of her?" My mom screamed at my dad and stormed out of the house.

"Emmy. We love you. Just remember that. We may not live your choices but we will never stop loving you." My dad said.

Tears were pouring down my cheeks uncontrollably. "Apparently mom doesn't feel the same way."

I heard a car back out of our garage and go racing down the street.

My dad sighed. "Em. I'm going to find your mother before she does something she regrets. I think she just needs to cool down, so you'll probably be alone tonight."

"Okay dad."

He started to leave the house. "Oh and I would suggest not having Alison or any other girl for that matter over anytime soon. Bye, love you."

"Bye dad." I muttered.

I ran upstairs to my room and saw the closet door open. It was almost like it was beckoning to me. I promised not to anymore, but...

No. I couldn't. I took a step closer to my closet. No. I promised Alison. But she doesn't have to know.

I won't. I can control myself. Then I got a text. And it wasn't Ali.

Well, Pam didn't take it very well, but at least Ali's parents and Em's dad were okay with it. Will Pam get over it? Will Emily take the drugs? I think you all know who the text is from, but still, don't forget about the picture! It will come into play real soon.


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