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~Emily POV~

Ali pushed past my arm and sighed in relief. "Jason."

Jason. Who was Jason? A boyfriend? I racked my brain, thinking about any Jason I knew. I was freaking out, paralyzed on the stairs. Then I remembered. Ali wasn't the only child in her family on the trip to Paris; there was also a young boy, a few years older then us. That must be Jason. Her brother. I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Jason DiLaurentis.

"Ali." It was dark, but I could see him smile. Jason turned on the hallway light.

"What are you dong here? Aren't you on your own now?" Ali asked.

For a split-second, I saw anger in Jason's eyes. Then he got it under control. "Yeah, but something came up. I'm going to stay here for a while until things cool down."

"What things?" Ali persisted.

Jason sighed. "Ali. You don't have to worry about it. I got it under control." He hugged her and smiled at me and he went into his room and shut the door.

I looked at Ali.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he was coming." She said.

"It's fine. But does he know about us?" I wondered.

"No. I haven't seen him for months. He and his buddy lived in a dorm together. They go to USD. But there is something different with him. I can't pinpoint it though."

I frowned. "School is still in session. What is he doing here?"

Ali shrugged. "It's Jason. He has his own schedule."

"USD. That's in California. We are in Pennsylvania." I pointed out.

"Come on Em. It's fine. My parents won't care. Now let's go to the party!" Ali stated.

In the car ride, I got a text.

You don't deserve a happy ending. Whores like you don't get princesses. The sooner you realize that the better. You're only going to hurt her. It's better to break up with her, bitch.

I ignored the text. I'm not going to let my past be my present. I would just hurt Ali more by breaking up with her. I love her and she loves me. That's all I care about. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

We arrived at the Kahn cabin, as Alison calls it "Fashionably late." I rolled my eyes when she said that. I like being early, but whatever. That's why I love Ali. She has all these cute ways.

We got some drinks and headed to the dance floor. I don't get drunk easily; and luckily neither does Ali. Hanna doesn't either, but after a couple of shots and beers, of course she's drunk. Hanna is laughing really hard, Caleb keeping her steady. The way Caleb looks at her is adorable. He really loves her.

Ali and I are dancing when someone wants to play never have I ever. I can't play that game; one, because I know that I've done every possible bad thing and I'd end up taking a shot every round and I don't want to get drunk, and two, I don't need people knowing what I've done. I avoid that game at all costs. I don't drink much anymore, I've only had one or two sips from the beer in holding. I told Ali to go play, and I went outside for some fresh air before I would be peer pressured into playing. Hanna watched me go outside, with a confused look, because everyone is playing except me. Spencer and Aria are already sitting down, oblivious to my actions. I walk around the cabin and it's eerily quiet. I shiver from the coldness. I don't even know why I came to a party in the first place. Partying is what got my into a deep, dark hole. I'm about to go back inside when I fall into hole. I roll my eyes. Haha, very funny, fate. I'm about to get up when someone grabs my arm.

I flinch, hoping it's Ali but it isn't. It's Jason. I relax as he pulls me up. But he doesn't let go. Jason drags me to his car and throws me in the backseat. The whole time I'm punching and kicking but it's no use. I scream but no one hears me. Jason drives on the road way over the speed limit, extremely bad. I see the empty bottles on the seat. He's drunk. Great.

"Jason." My voice quivered. "What are you doing?"

He smirks. "Just bringing you home."

I would jump out the car, but he tied my arms and legs together. I would probably die if I did. And the door is locked.

"What? Does Ali know?"

"I always hated how Alison got all the hot chicks."

"Jason? What..." We pull up to Ali's house. He puts duck tape over my mouth. Even drunk, he's way stronger then me. I try to wiggle out of his grasp, but he won't let me. I know what he's going to do. I hope I'm wrong.

He forces me upstairs, locked his bedroom door and throws me on his bed. He takes something out of his pocket. A condom. Fuck. Oh no. I'm going back to that place. When boys would force themselves on me when I was drunk. But I'm not drunk; I can fight back.

Jason takes off my shirt and pants. I mumble through the duck tape. Trying to scream, but I can't. My arms and legs won't move. I'm hyperventilating. I can't think. I'm having a panic attack. My attack just makes it easier for Jason. I'm frozen, unable to move. My eyes are darting, pleading him to stop. I can't do this. I don't want to. Jason's so drunk it doesn't matter. He enters me and it's so rough; so hard that I yell in pain. It hurts so badly. I feel like I'm on fire. His hands grope me hard and he leaves marks in my neck. He takes the duck tape off my mouth to kiss me, but I yell for help. He immediately put it back on.

"Relax. I wasn't exactly planning to find you, but you are hot. I know you'll like this."

He goes harder and harder. He's so drunk that he keeps missing. The pain on a scale of 1 to 10 is probably an 8 or 9. I can see the white spots turn red. Then I'm in the dark.


"My name is not Jason." The guy spat at the unconscious girl.

Wow, I wrote this before Charlotte was A. Oh well, the brother thing isn't that uncommon. You guys probably already know where I'm going with this. To late to change it now. I wrote a ton of chapters a year ago and I'm fixing and editing them right now.

Why would he do this? Why is he back home? Who is "Jason"? Will Em be okay? If you are raped, make sure you tell someone. And watch out for others. I know many people who have committed suicide after rape, and that's why I wanted to include this in my story; to raise awareness of the symptoms and what you should do, not for entertainment. Thank you for reading. I do have a plan for this story, so don't hate me. I have it under control.


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