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Emily has been avoiding me the past few days. She's been avoiding everyone except Hanna. It's like they are the ones dating instead of us. Emily claims that everything is normal, but she won't let me touch her without freaking out. She is always stuttering and depending on Hanna for support. She's different. I don't know what's going on. She doesn't want to hang out with me, Spence or Aria. Her and Hanna always are at each other's houses, shopping eating. I hear them whispering and giggling. I don't know why Emily all of the sudden likes Hanna more than me. I don't want to be that jealous girlfriend, but I know I am. I'm way beyond jealous. All I know is that Em's no longer confident in herself, but I don't get why. She is wearing sweatpants and shuffles along the hallway instead of strutting around it like she usually does. Her head is always facing the ground. I think I did something to upset her, but I have no idea what.

"Hey Em," I said, my voice slightly cracking from nerves.

She turned and Hanna was by her locker too. Great.

"Hey!" She pecked my lips and stepped back next to Hanna. That's all the physical affections she's been giving me since the party. No hand holding, cuddling or deep kisses. I miss it. I wish she would tell me what is going on. Something was strange, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

"So," I continued. "My dad wants to have you over for dinner. It's like a way for him to get to know you. My mom and Jason will be there, too.

"Oh," Emily's eyes widened. I sighed. She was looking for a way to avoid me again. "Uh, I'm busy tonight."

Hanna put her arm around Emily, and Em didn't flinch. Why didn't she flinch when Hanna touched her? Did they have a thing going on? I glared at Hanna and she immediately removed her arm.

"Please? My dad wants to formally meet you." I begged. I just really wanted to spend some really time with her.

"No, Ali!" She said angrily. Emily stomped off to the bathroom.

Hanna looked at me. "Nice, Alison. You pissed her off."

"I don't know what I said," My eyes started to tear up. Why did Emily hate me?

Hanna's expressioned softened. "Come here," I stepped into her arms, not caring that I was crying in the middle of the hallway. "She'll explain soon. I promise. She's going through a rough patch."

Hanna looked at my sympathically.

"Wait. Do you know what's bothering her?" I asked.

Hanna hesitated. "I know a little, but not that much."

I couldn't tell if she was lying. My eyes were to fuzzy from the tears. Did she know what was wrong with Em?

"Well, I know nothing. Can you fill me in?"

Hanna sighed. "I think that's up to her. I barely know anything. Keep in mind that she's really confused right now."

She was lying. I saw the flicker in her expression, her tell. Hanna knows everything. Why is she lying to me?

"You don't like her like that right?" I blurted out.

She looked at me and shook her head in defiance. "No! Of course not. I have Caleb. How can you think I would cheat on that hottie? Have you seen his face? It's perfect! Trust me, Em's just my friend. She loves you Ali."

Oh thank god, I thought. She still loves me.


I was having panic attacks everywhere. Hanna was the only one who could stop them. She would comfort me through them. Her touch soothed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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