It's Like You're a Mirror

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~Emily POV~

"Nothing's wrong Alison, I'm fine. I promise," I looked into her eyes again. Something made me gravitate towards her. Maybe it was the way they sparkled in the light, or maybe it was the wait her hair bounced.

All I wanted was to lean in and kiss her. But I new that I couldn't. She's probably not gay, and would be disgusted if I kissed her. Alison would then hate me and she would make my life a living hell, since she's the queen bee.

I remember my first kiss with a girl. It was my first and only time truly being in love. When I hit my teen years, I found the girl slowly slipping my mind. I forgot her name, but still I remember the feel of her lips on mine. It was the summer before seventh grade and my family decided to go on a vacation to Paris. There was another family with a daughter my age who was in our tour group for the whole trip. She had golden hair, curled like a princesses, paired with big blue eyes and a winning smile. We spent most of the three weeks of the vacation together hanging out, swimming in the pool, exploring the city and just having fun.

On the last week of the trip, we were alone in her hotel room while all the tour group parents were at a bar. I remember that we were just sitting on the couch cuddling, watching TV, and then she just leaned over and kissed me. I was in love, and I knew she was too. She was beautiful. The kiss was magical, and I wanted more. We kissed a couple more times in secret during the vacation, but didn't do much more than that because we were really young. Each kiss was loving and passionate, not dirty and lustful. Sweet and gentle kisses, full with love. You can't find someone like that nowadays, because everyone cares only about sex. Eventually, it was time to go home and I never saw her again, since we didn't live in the same state. I still wish that I could see her again, to catch up with her. A beauty like her probably had a boyfriend, though.

Alison looked at me concerned, with a confident, but also uneasy expression, which she was clearly trying to hide.

I glanced into her eyes and I almost gasped out loud. How could I not notice the dimples, the curly hair, the heart shaped face before. She realized right away who I was, I can tell by her expression. I'm the idiot who didn't realize. I know those eyes. And At that moment, I realized what my first love's name was. The question that haunted me for the past 6 years, I had an answer to. Her name was Ali Dilaurentis. Alison.

Emily remembers Alison!! Sorry for the short chapter, but I will try to update daily. 🙊🎉


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