Rosewood High

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• Emily •

My alarm clock was the first thing that greeted me in the morning. I thought setting my favorite song as my alarm would help me get up in the morning, but instead, it just made me despise it. I pressed snooze, and was about to hit it again, when I realized that today was my first day at Rosewood High. With great effort, I dragged myself out of my warm, cozy bed and stumbled down the stairs.

"Hey Em! Are you excited for your first day of school?" My mom cheerfully asked, as I rolled my eyes.

"Please don't remind me," I was going to be the newbie, the outcast. I heard that there are rarely any new students in Rosewood.

I mean, before we moved here, I've never heard of Rosewood. I'm more of a city girl, so being in such a small town honestly unnerves me. And, there's no beach. Basically, my worst nightmare.

I ate some fruit, then ran up the stairs and got dressed. I decided to wear a white tank top, some skinny jeans, and my converse. Nothing too extreme, I mean, it's early and I really don't have enough energy to care about fashion.

I was just leaving when my mom spoke up. "Excuse me? Aren't you going to say bye?" She said playfully.

"Bye mom!" I muttered as I left the house in a hurry.

I pulled up into the school parking lot. Rosewood High was jarring, to say the least. I almost felt like I was in a stereotypical movie. Immediately, I noticed the different cliques. There were the jocks, the nerds and the tech geeks. In my old school, everyone just kind of hung out in clumps. Bullying was rare, but at Rosewood, it seemed to make up the foundation of the school. Back at home, my school was an outdoor campus, and there were probably three times as many students than there are in Rosewood High.

I awkwardly walked to the counselors office alone to get my schedule. Making new friends was another thing that I tried to avoid thinking about. Especially at this school, where it's probably not going to be as easy. As I entered the school, the hallway suddenly got silent. I'm not kidding; it literally got silent. I tried not to laugh about how clichè the situation was. I looked over an saw four girls strutting through the hallway, with a pretty blonde girl leading them. Everyone's eyes were glued to them.

Back at home, there was no way four girls would have power over our large school. The popular group consisted of about twenty girls and boys. It's ridiculous that people are being controlled by four girls here.

"Looking good Ali!" A jock yelled.

I have no idea why everyone wants to be friends with the popular crowd; they aren't loyal and will most likely turn on you after you provide them with what they want. I used to be in my old schools popular group until certain things happened and I realized who my true friends were, and it wasn't them. I try to avoid them now. They aren't my type of people. I made a mental note not to get in the their way, especially the leader. She seemed so self-centered and egotistical.

I get my schedule and scan it. English, Pre-Calc, Physics, World History and Drama. 5 classes total. I managed to maintain a 4.1 GPA at my old school and had planned to keep it that way. I realized I wasn't taking any AP classes, and accepted that my GPA was going to sink.

I heard the bell ring, and awkwardly tried to find my classroom. After standing outside the classroom for a couple minutes, trying to work up the courage, I walked into my first period class, English. 

"Oh, you must be Emily! I'm Mr. Fitz, welcome!" A handsome young man, um... I mean my teacher said. I remember when new kids would come to my old school, they didn't get special greetings, they just had to figure it out.

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