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~Ali POV~

I couldn't take it anymore. Emily wouldn't answer or text me back. I ran into her house. It was empty. That's strange, her parents were here a few minutes ago. I heard a sob come from Emily's room. My heart broke when I heard it. Her parents must've...they must've not... I couldn't even think about it. I hoped I was wrong.

I opened her door and jumped back in shock. Emily was laying in her bed with bottles of vodka around her. A pill bottle was opened and they pills were all over. Emily looked too drunk to take any though. She barely even acknowledged my presence.

"Emmy. Why?" My eyes started to tear up.

"My parents." She mumbled. "My mom. I'm a bad bad person Alison. My mom doesn't love me now."

"Baby. They love you. They'll get over it." I comforted her.

"Ali." She whispered. Emily sounded so sad, so heartbroken. "I'm sorry. For acting like this and the drinking."

"It's okay. It's okay." I drew patterns on her back, circles and squares.

"Please stay with me today." Emily murmured.

"I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her forehead and tucked her in. "Just promise me, no more drinking."

"Okay. I just got a text and-" She fell asleep midsentence.

Text? What text? I checked her phone immediately. And I saw it. A message from a blocked ID. What the hell? I read the message and my eyes widened.

What did I tell you? Fags don't go far. You are nothing, you don't deserve to be happy you whore. Bottoms up!

Bottoms up? How did the unknown person know that Em would drink? Is this the same person that was bothering her before? That bitch. I swear, if I find out whoever is threatening Emily I will personally kill them.

I looked at Em peacefully sleeping. Why would anyone want to hurt her? I snuggled up next to her. Em's breath smiled like vodka, but it was strangely attractive. I got some Advil out of my pocket and put it on the dresser. Emily will need it in the morning.

Emily shifted into my arms, which was foreign to me. I usually laid on her. I could get used to this. I loved having her in my arms. With the comfort of Em, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up late in the morning. Em was still asleep. I would've woken her up, but she looked so peaceful. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Once I left, Emily was slightly moving.

"Aliii?" She dragged out my name.


She sighed in relief. "I thought you left me."

"Of course not. Here's some Advil." I offered.

"Thank you. I swear you can read my mind." She smiled.

"Wow. You are not one of those grumpy drunks. I can barely tell you have a hangover." I laughed.

She raised her eyebrows. "I have a massive headache. But you make me forget about it."

"Emily Fields. Such a romantic." I joked.

"You know it." I connected our lips and moved on top of her. The door suddenly banged open. I jumped off Emily quickly.

"Emil- Oh. Hi Alison." Mr. Fields said.

"Hi Mr. Fields." I faked a smile. He just caught his daughter, who they don't approve of being gay, making out with her girlfriend. Great.

"Um. Can we talk to Emily alone?" Another voice said.

"Mom?" Emily shot up. "What-"

"Please, Em. I just need a minute to explain. Just here me out. I-"

"Okay fine." Emily said, annoyed and kind of angry. I couldn't blame her. She felt the need to get drunk after what her parents put her through.

Mr. and Mrs. Fields sighed in relief.

"Oh, uh. Bye Emily. I'll see you later." I didn't kiss or hug her because that would be awkward with her parents in the room. Her face looked a little disappointed. I gave her a wink, signaling I'd make it up to her later.

I went to my house, nervous about what Emily's parents were saying. What if they ban her from seeing me? I don't know how I'll get over her.

Hey. Has anybody else been having problems with wattpad where you save the chapters, but then they delete? That keeps happening to me, so sorry if this is bad. Also the autocorrect is killing me. It keeps changing my words to things I don't want it to say. So please don't judge. I had this chapter written, and I saved it and it deleted. So I had to rewrite it as best I could so I could post today. Sorry.


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