What's On The Bed?

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~Emily POV~

I started emptying my closet. I had to hide everything the bitch put in my room before my mom or Alison saw.

I looked at my bed. Lying on it were a dozen blades, antidepressants, 2 packs of cigarettes, a bag of cocaine, some marijuana, 4 bottles of vodka and a bottle of tequila. I couldn't let anyone see these or I'd be sent back to Radley for sure. But who ever sent me these was watching and told me they couldn't leave my room.

I started putting all the evidence in the back of my closet. I then put all my normal clothes and shoes in front of it. I closed the closet door and saw Ali standing by my door.

"Hey." She said, trying to sound casual.

I panicked and said the most cliche thing possible. "Ali. How long were you here for?"

Stupid. Now she knows something's up. And I can't tell her.

She raised her eyebrows. "I just got here. Are you trying to hide something?"

"What? No! I was just changing." I answered.

"Em, you're still in your pajamas." She said angrily.

I started crying. It was to much. I just got the love of my life back and now she's angry with me. That bitch had to deliver all my old addictions. Why can't I just be happy. I should just tell her the while story. Then at least a huge weight will be lifted off my chest. But she'll dump me. While I was contemplating all of this she came over to me and put her arms around me. She was comforting me. Man, I didn't deserve her.

After I was done crying, she kissed me and we left for school, her driving. I was silent the whole ride. She would continuously look over at me, the making sure I was okay. Man, I loved her. Once we arrived to school, I saw Hanna staring at us, trying not to laugh. What was her problem? Did I look that bad?

"Soo Ali....what did you do last night." Hanna said, really loudly.

Ali looked annoyed. "Just homework, Hanna."

Huh. So she didn't want to go public with our relationship. I'm okay with that, for the time being.

"Really? Nothing else?" She said looking at me, raising her eyebrows.

"Enough, Hanna." Ali said angrily.

"Em?" Hanna questioned.

I laughed. She really did suspect something. "We just went over out history homework, Han. That's it."

Hanna looked back and forth between us. "Okay...but if anything does happen, make sure to tell me." She winked and walked away.

"What was that about?" I murmured.

Ali blushed. "Umm...I might've told her that I was at your house with you alone." She admitted. "I didn't know if you wanted to tell her about us, soo..."

I smiled. "I'm okay with anything you are. Even if it means coming out to my parents."

Ali laughed. "I do not want to be there when you do. But for the time being, let's keep it between us. But I do want to tell the girls first."

"Sounds good to me." I started to walk away.

"Em!"Ali called.


"Meet me in the bathroom 20 minutes after first period."

I laughed. "Anything you want, princess."

The Halloween Episode is in like 15 days! I can't wait for PLL to come back on. I heard that we might get some Emison!! I'm going to update tomorrow to be ready!!


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