Revealing the Truth

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~Emily POV~

And then she woke up. Shit. I wasn't ready. I could practically feel the sweat pouring down my face.

"Hey beautiful." She smiled. She tried to kiss me, but I turned so she pecked my cheek.

"Ali." I said.

She frowned. "Em? What's going on."

"Well..." I muttered.

She looked at me, confused.

"Nothing! It's nothing. I really have to pee." I yelled and ran to the bathroom.

I looked the door and saw a blade. Perfect. I pushed up the sleeves on my arm and cut. I love Alison DiLaurentis. I wrote, in jagged cuts. It hurt, but I wanted to remind myself. I felt my pocket. Good, it was still there. I took out my emergency pill. It was small and white. Only to be used when I was desperate. And I was. I needed that push to admit my past. I swallowed the pill and felt so much calmer. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ali sitting on the bed, worried.


"I need to tell you something." I felt strangely overconfident. The drug was starting to kick in.


I suddenly forgot what I was going to say. But then I thought of a hilarious prank. "I'm pregnant!" I laughed. My mind was a blur. The room was spinning. Wow. 4 Ali's. I didn't know she had sisters!

She paled. "What did you just say?"

"Umm. I don't remember." I racked my brain. What DID I just say? Oh well. My brain feels like mush. I can't think at all. I'm free.

"What the hell?" Ali spat. "Did you cheat on me?"

"Did you always have pink wallpaper? It's nice!" I giggled.

She looked at me confused. "Emily. This is your room."

"Oh. I don't like pink. Or maybe I do. Idk."

"Idk? What's going on, Emily? You hate using texting slang. " Ali questioned.

"Whaaaat?" I felt so happy. I was flying. To infinity and beyond.

"Oh my god! Emily Fields! You're high." She screamed, her eyes bulged in anger and confusion.

"No I'm notttttt." I complained. I started to get a headache. Then everything went black.


I woke up, panting. Ali was still in my arms. Thank god that had been a dream. A dream of what not to do. I looked at the pill in my pocket and got up. I ran to the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet. If I had really told Ali I was pregnant. Oh god. But I did have to tell her; right her, right now.

Ali was up. "Emily? Where were you?"

"I had to take care of some business."

"Oh. Okay."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. She sat up next to me and out her arm around my waist.

"Ali...I haven't told you the whole truth. The truth is I don't deserve you. I think you can do much better than me." My eyes started tearing up, and so did hers.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She let go of me.

"N-no. But I do think you'll break up with me." I said honestly.

"What? Why?" There was confusion in her expression.

"I have a secret." I whispered.

"Em." She said softly. "Speak up I can't hear you."

"I have a secret." I respected as I looked her square in the eyes. "And you're not going to like it."

"It can't be that bad, can it? You really think I'll break up with you?"

I could see she was scared. Thinking of all the possible things I could have done. Was I a prostitute? A psychopath? Her gears were turning. And I think she is expecting the worse. And she's probably right.

I couldn't look her in the eyes. "Ali..." I took a deep breath. This was the secret I've kept under lock and key for years. Would she turn me in? "In the summer before my sophomore year-" I trailed off. This was harder than I thought it would be.

Ali grabbed my hand. I felt a surge of confidence. I had to tell her. "I-I was being-" I closed my eyes. "I was date raped."

Silence. I slowly opened an eye. Ali was staring at me dumbfounded. Great, I lost her. "Ali, I barely had any memory from those days. But I remember waking up in various alleyways naked. I was so wasted. I don't know. And then one day I just lost it and-" I sobbed hard. I couldn't get it out.

Her hand was still holding mine. "And what Em?" She said kinder than humanly possible.

"I killed him! I killed him. I don't even know who her was and he's dead because of me." I opened my heart to Alison, and revealed it. The picture. The picture of me standing over a dead man's body with a gun in my hand.


"I swear it was self defense. He knew I was high and he tried to go farther. He hit me, and I took his gun. I'm a danger to everybody. A killer. I took someone's life."

"It wasn't your fault, Em! He attacked you!" Ali said, fiercely.

"Did you not hear me? How are you not mad? You're not going to dump me? Turn me into the police for manslaughter?" I questioned.

"No. God, no babe. I still love you. But when you said that you did it with people you didn't know did you mean-" She trailed off.

I looked down, again. "Yes."

She kissed me hard. And then harder. It was like she was part of me. I laid down on the bed and she climbed on top of me.

"Emily." She muttered "That stuff was ages ago. We can let it go."

I smiled. "I needed to get it off my chest. Maybe now I can rest easy."

Ali kissed my neck and shoulders and pulled away. "I'm going to stop. I don't think we should do it, right now."

"Ali." I moaned.

"You know we shouldn't too."

"Fine." I muttered. Ali was amazing. She loved me. She loved me. How did I get this lucky?

I guess people can change; I did.

Ali left the room and I was going to follow her. Then my phone went off. I checked it, hoping it was my old friends. I was really missing them. But they probably couldn't care less. I ditched them for the stoners. I saw the text and freaked out. What the hell? Who was this?

Who do you think it texting Em? If you have any suggestions, please tell me. Do you want me to write a Sashay story? It seems fun, and if you read it, I'll write it. Please tell me if you want me to write one.

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