It's About Time

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~Ali POV~

After I left Emily's house, I went back to my room. About ten minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I ran downstairs and opened it and saw Emily standing there. I scanned her face, looking for any sign of emotion. She walked inside and sat on the couch.

"They..they accepted me. For who I am." There were tears in her eyes. Happy tears.

I smiled. A huge weight lifted off my chest. "Oh my gosh! We're good! Our friends and family accepted us."

"Now all that's left is the our classmates." She said.

"Don't worry about that." I told her. "I don't care what anyone thinks."

She raised an eyebrow. "But you're the queen bee. Shouldn't you care-"

I cut her off by kissing her gently, but it soon turned desperate. My breathing quickened and I knew that I wanted her. Emily moved so she was on top and started to kiss my neck and shoulders. She tugged at my shirt and I took it off.

"Upstairs." I gasped.

Since she was taller and stronger than me, she picked me up and carried me up the stairs easily, without breaking the kiss. Emily closed the door behind us with her foot and laid me down on the bed. She took off her shirt and straddled me and started kissing me, with passion and love. I started playing with the hooks on her bra and unclipped it. My eyes darkened at the sight. She was beautiful. Perfect. I took control and got on top of her. She took off my shirt and unclipped my bra and stared, entranced at the sight. I kissed her neck, and went lower. I started to get nervous. I've never had sex before. What if I wasn't good? I think she sensed my nervousness, and she smirked and rolled over so she was on top again.

"Let me." Emily said, in a seductive voice. She was so sexy. I couldn't get enough of her. Every little thing she did turned me on. Emily could probably throw up all over me and I'd still find her gorgeous.

Emily kissed my neck and bit it. I moaned, not able to control my self. She found my pulse point so easily. She knew exactly what I wanted. I knew I'd have to deal with the marks tomorrow, but I was so in the moment that I didn't care. Emily moved down to me stomach, kissing it gently. She was amazing. How would I be able to repay the favor? Finally, after what seemed like forever she kissed my upper thighs. Em was such a tease.

"Em..." I sighed.

She got the hint. She put one finger in, and went slowly. My breathing turned erratic. Oh my god. I moaned again, louder, and Emily laughed. She loved seeing me so powerless. I would've glared at her, but I couldn't. It felt so good. Emily stated to kiss me again, desperately, then moved back to my neck. She put in another finger, and then a third. As the pace fastened, so did my breathing. I felt myself clench up and I knew what was happening. I could only hope that my parents haven't came home yet.

Then I fully came undone. I couldn't help it. I hoped the neighbors could hear me, but they probably did. A loud string of moans came out my mouth and then I shouted "Emily!" But she didn't stop. She kept going, quicker and quicker. I couldn't breath. It felt amazing and exhausting at the same time. I wanted her to stop, but then I didn't. Finally she took her fingers out, and kissed me passionately.

She laid down next to me, and sucked on my neck gently. I caught my breath and rolled on top of her.

"Ali? What are you doing?" She asked, obviously confused.

I laughed. "I'm returning the favor. What else?"

"Have you ever-"

I cut her off "No, but there always has to be a first. And I would rather it be you than anyone else."

She looked into my eyes and rubbed my bare back, sending shivers down my spine. "You don't have to."

I saw the longing in her eyes and I looked at her with lust. "But I want to."

Hey! Should I write a scene like this in Em's POV? I didn't actually think so many people would read this. Sorry for the long wait for an intimate scene. I hope it was okay. Ilysm❤️


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