Chapter 3

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isn't weird? or he is just overreacting?

I grew up with this ability, yes i can see ghost. I can Touch them hear them. When i was a kid my grandma taught me how to use my ability she said i got it from my mom.

Should i be happy? because i have this ability to communicate with my Second mother again? or should i be sad because some people said it was a curse. Grandma said it's a gift. I have this ability but why can't i use it to see my mom? Yes, My second mom died when i was 17 years old. I found out about my ability when i was 5.

My first encounter to a ghost was horrible. When i was 5 years old i have a friend named Hori. She was my playmate i met her at the abandoned house and she was crying there non stop.

"hey don't cry I'm here, I'm here"

I comforted her until she stops crying she looked at me and hugged me really tight.

"Stay with me, Stay with me"

She keeps on saying those words. I thought it's normal but she was suffocating me in her arms and she was laughing. i started to cry and i don't know what to do. Until i heard a voice.


I heard a voice of a boy. He saw me and ran to me. The ghost girl suddenly vanished.

"hey are you okay?"

Asked the boy to me he was around my age i hugged him and he patted my back.

"Stop crying I'm here"

He said. I remembered that ghost girl and something came up to my mind what if he's a ghost too? I quickly pushed him.

"You are ghost! don't come near me please! I'm begging!"

I said and he chuckled. I saw him chuckles cutely and i started to chuckled too. We both goes out to the abandoned house.

"I'm not a ghost! I'm jk and you?"

He asked me I was about to say my name but his mom called him.

"My eomma is calling me! byebye little girl and don't cry anymore, if you saw a ghost just say I am strong!"

That was the first and last time i met him. After that I didn't met him anymore. Sadly, i didn't get a chance to say thank you.


"You can see ghost?" He asked me.

"Yeah and what's wrong with that?" I saw him Widened his eyes.

"Wow that's really a cool joke" He asked. what the? so he doesn't believes in me? Okay calm down hyejin you're used to this.

"Whatever" I said and i entered my tent.

"What a weird guy!"

Chapter Ends

UNTIL WE MET Series #1 "Unseen Love"Where stories live. Discover now