Chapter 23

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"c-can you get off me now?" I awkwardly said to him. His friends and my friends are staring tho.

"sorry, i was just really worried" Jungkook said shyly.

"I'm sorry Hyejin, i shouldn't have made you stayed up late at the cafe I'm really sorry" Seokjin said you can sense in his voice that he's really sorry but, he's not at fault actually, He's really a nice guy.

"Don't be sorry Seokjin it's not your fault okay? stop blaming yourself of what happened" I said to him and smile.

"So, mind telling us what exactly happened?" Yoongi asked.

I don't know what to tell them. I shouldn't tell them that truth.

"I tripped" Yes, I'm an idiot.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but be careful next time okay?" Jimin said.

I know, They're not stupid ofcourse who would believe me?

"We'll send Jungkook everyday here i bet he wouldn't refuse it right kookie?" Tae said. We looked at jungkook and he's already staring at me. He just nodded.

"Husband material" Hoseok said proudly making all of us stared at him.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted at him and he put his index finger on his lips like signaling Hoseok to shut up and all of them close their mouths like they'll boast in laughter in any minute.

What's wrong with them?

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"It's already 1 am hyungs, you may all go home, I will stay here" Jungkook said.

"Okay, take care of her jungkook" Namjoon said.

"We gotta go hyejin, Getwell!" Taehyung said.

After they closed the door you can still
hear them laughing. What's wrong with them??

"Hey" Jungkook called me.

"w-what is it?"

"What happened, don't you dare lie to me" Jungkook said to me. Should i tell him the truth?

"I said it already, I tripped." I said to him and he looks like he was about to explode in anger.

"I said don't lie to me, I'm not dumb" Jungkook said. He was pissed.

"o-on my way home, i encountered an evil ghost, She was a student and she's scarying this human girl, I had no choice but to help her and this thing happened" I told him the truth.

"What did she exactly do to you? you look really horrible" Jungkook said. Is he just concern or he's joking about my wounds? grrr

" She pushed me and threw a really large stone at me twice i guess? i don't remember, and i don't want to remember" I said to him.

"You should've called me. Didn't i said to you that I'm willing to be your partner in crime? You should take care of yourself more" He said.

"From now on, let me stay by your side. We'll not know if that evil ghost might comeback to you and attack you again" He continued.

"Why are you like that jungkook?" I asked him.

To be really honest I don't understand him. The way he talks, his gestures, his expression is really new to me. I don't want to assume anything. I like him but I will not assume that he likes me too, I don't want to be hurt.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Is it because of the favor? The favor that you asked me to talk to your girlfriend? is this the way you paying back? because if this is the way, please stop" I said to him.

I don't know what's gotten into me that I said those words to him without even thinking about my words. It's just that, My instinct tells me that i need to say those words for him.

"Hyejin" He called my name.

"Do you like me?

I froze at my spot. I was so shocked that my mind went blank. Do i really like you jungkook? I think I really do but what's the point? I know i will just hurt myself.

"You're not answering me." He said. I kept on being silent.

"Don't get me wrong hyejin, I'm like this to you because you're my friend." A friend. Yes, I'm just a friend.

"I'm doing this to you because you're not somebody to me, If you l-like me I'm sorry if i-"

"Stop" i said.

"I don't like you"

"you can leave now I'm going to sleep" I said to him.

"Are you hungry? i can buy-" I didn't let him ro finish his words.

"I'm not hungry, i can definitely take care of myself without anyone's help"

"thank you for worrying about me, you may now leave" I said.

"Okay if you say so, I'm still coming back tomorrow" He said.

"I don't know why are you suddenly acting like that, It makes me think that you really like me" He said.

"Hyejin, As i said to you I'm not dumb-"

"So what if I like you huh?" i faced him.

"Will that change anything?" I continued.

"Hyejin, you can't like me" He said.

"Exactly jungkook"

"I know you can't like me back I'm not dumb too. I am trying my best here not to hurt my feelings. But if you'll continue to act like that..."

"It might get deeper, So deep that i can no longer save myself from drowning" I said.

"I'm sorry but please leave me alone" I said.

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