Chapter 22

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Please pick up Hyejin.

I tried calling her multiple times but she's not really answering.

"Hyung try to call her too" As i said that to them they all got their phones and dialed Hyejin.

I leave a text message to her saying that she have to call me back if she's safe. I saw my watch and it's already 11:30 pm. I have to check her on her house. I ran to the door and heard my Hyungs calling my name.

Hyejin's Safety is my priority too.

I ran as fast as i can but one thing caught my attention.

There's a phone that's ringing. I stopped to that dark area and checked the phone. The caller's Number is really familiar to me. To check it i answered the call.

"Yah! Hyejin we've been calling you nonstop! are you safe? are you home now?" It's Taehyung. So.... this is Hyejin's phone.

"Hyung..... It's me jungkook"

It's like time stopped for a minute.

"J-Jungkook? What happened?" His voice is full of worry.

"Hyung i don't know too, I saw her phone on the road." I said to them.

"Wait us there jungkook we'll find her" Taehyung hyung said. I can't think of anything right now, just Hyejin's safety. After a few minutes of waiting my hyungs are now here.

"Did you found that phone here?" Namjoon asked and i Nod.

"It's really dark here" Yoongi said.

"Hyung! Hyung!" Jimin's voice caught our attention.

"What?!" Seokjin asked.

"t-there's a blood..." jimin said. Hyungs and I Walked to that area, and yes... we saw blood.

"Hyung, what happened to her?" My voice Cracked and Seokjin hyung hugged me.

"Sorry Jungkook, I don't know that this will happen. I shouldn't have asked her to stay late." We stayed quiet until Hyejin's phone rang. I quickly answered it.

"Hello? I'm the own-" I know that voice!

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" I can't control my voice right now.

"Hello? jungkook? is that you?"


"Chill! I'm at xxx Hospital! don't shout I'm getting angry too!" Hyejin said.

"Hyung let's go to the hospital!"


"Patient named Choi Hyejin?" I asked the nurse.

"Are you related to her? what's your relationship with the patient?" The nurse asked me.

"Yes, I'm her Husband" My hyungs jaw dropped. It just suddenly came out to my mouth. what the actual fuck.

"Okay room 317" The Nurse said. We hurriedly walked to her room but first we have to take elevator.

"Husband? i didn't know you're already married!" Hoseok hyung said making my hyungs laugh.

"I-I don't know. I-I w-was not thinking that time" I said while avoiding their gaze.

As soon as we reached our destination I ran to Hyejin's room.


"When i saw that girl again i will punch her real hard!" Goohyung said. She's really cute when she's angry.

"I will slap her until her head flew away! No one's allowed to hurt our precious Hyejin!!" Hwayoung said. How lucky i am to have friends like Goohyung and Hwayoung.

I'm sitting on the hospital bed. My head and hands are being covered by plaster to cover my big wounds. Luckily the doctor said that my wound in my forehead is not that serious.

wait, where's my phone?

Omo don't tell me...

"Goohyung Hwayoung i think i lost my phone" I said to them.

"okay wait there we'll find it for you" Goohyung said.

"No, i will just barrow a phone and dial my phone" Luckily there was a nurse who entered my room to check me.

"uhm, excuse me? may i use your phone? i lost my phone and i need to dial it" She let me use her phone and i dialed my phone no.

It was ringing!

"Hello? I'm the own-" I didn't get to finished my words.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" wait, his voice is familiar.

"Hello? jungkook? is that you?"

"I SAID WHERE ARE YOU?!" His shouting voice made me pissed.

"Chill! I'm at xxx Hospital! don't shout I'm getting angry too!" Hyejin said.

and He suddenly ended the call, nice.
I gave the phone to the owner before she left.

"who's that?" Goohyung asked. If I'll tell her the name they will just annoy me and tease me!

"Just someone" I said.

"Someone special? yah! we heard you, he seems to be really worried sooo.. who's that who's that?" Goohyung said.

"Is that jungkook?!" Hwayoung asked.

"y-yes he was the one who found my phone" I said.

"eyy i think he likes you!" Goohyung teased.

"No way, it's not like that he's just worried because I'm his friend" I said to them

"but for me-" Goohyubg was interrupted by someone who suddenly entered the room.

He walked to me, and He suddenly hugged me.

"What happened to you?! I was really worried! i-i thought something really bad happened to you! You drop your phone, We saw lots of blood, i thought you are d-dead" jungkook said to me.

I was stunned, Jungkook, don't act like that.

I know i shouldn't fall for you.

I know I'm just going to hurt myself.

UNTIL WE MET Series #1 "Unseen Love"Where stories live. Discover now