Chapter 20

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"y-you can s-see my grandma" He was confused who wouldn't?

"Yes, and she's always watching you, She's always around you! now, you think she's happy?" I said

"Where is she?!" Donghyun asked.

"Behind you." I said.

He turns around and disappointment was on his face. He can't see her.

"I Can't see her!! Don't lie to me!"  He shouted. I can see his grandma clearly. Crying and desperate to talk to his beloved grandchild.

"You Can't see her but i can" I said.

" I have to use my own body for you to communicate with your grandma" i continued.

I Walked to his grandma and i held her wrist and I closed my eyes but there's no changes. I Tried again and again still no changes.

"Jungkook, She can't possess me" I said to jungkook.

"Think of another way" Jungkook suggest. But I only have 1 option left.

"Why can't you possess me?" I Asked her grandma. Her grandma grabbed something on her pocket it's a picture, a family picture. She pointed on a woman. She has a big resemblance to Donghyun, She must be Donghyun's mom.

"Donghyun Where's your mom?" I asked Donghyun and he said His Family was in the funeral.

We rushed to the funeral. We saw a few people there must be Donghyun's family.

"What are you doing here?" His Father ask.

"None of your business" Donghyun said.

I saw The woman in the picture, It's time. I looked to his Grandma and nods. She goes to the woman and possessed her.

"Donghyun-ah" Donghyun was stunned when her mom called her.


"Grandma is that you?!" Donghyun asked. Her mom nods. Donghyun quickly pulled her in to a warm hug.

"Grandma? why did you leave me so soon? you're the only true family that's left with me." Donghyun Cries.

"Donghyun-ah, Grandma is so sorry for what happened." His Grandma said while still hugging him.

"What exactly happened?" Donghyun ask and pulled to their embrace.

"I was going home..."

(when Donghyun's Grandma died)

His grandma was now going home after she sells her fresh vegetables and fruits at the market.

When she was walking on her way home a guy came up to her and asked for her money.

"Give me your money!!" The robber said.

"No, please no, This is for grandson's tuition fee." His grandma was begging the robbers to not steal her money.

"I said give me your Money or I'll stab you!"

"Please don't do this, I'm begging you please let me go, don't steal my money this is for Donghyun my grandson"

"I SAID GIVE ME THE MONEY!!" The Culprit Shouted.

"Please don't shout, please go away this is for Donghyun plea-" She didn't finish her last words because the robber stabbed her in her chest.

Blood was all over her chest.

The Old lady was lying on a cold cement floor with
tears on her eyes.

(end of flashback)

"You can just give the money Grandma i can pay for my tuition" Donghyun said still crying.

"I don't want to let go of that money, it's for you, You've been working a lot lately and i promise to myself that I'll be the one taking care of you not you taking care of me. I'm sorry Donghyun-ah my grandson." His grandma said.

"Now i have to go, You have to be Strong Donghyun-ah. Pursue your dreams Remember that I will be always right here for you, I love you my grandson" Her Grandma kissed him on his forehead before leaving his mom's body. His mom fell on her husband's arms luckily he was quick to catch his wife.

While Donghyun is still crying.

"I think we need to go now, Let's give them a time to talk" Taehyung said.

We leave the funeral peacefully. I looked at Taehyung and he was wiping his eyes.

"You cried?" I asked.

"Yes, that was a very sad scene feels like I'm a cast in a drama and I was just an extra who was crying on the corner." Taehyung said while fake crying. Jungkook and I just shook our heads.

"By the way what are you doing at the bar?" Jungkook asked.

"Wh-what? i-i i was just uhm... I was just passing by" Taehyung said. We're not buying his explanation.

"Hyung, you can just te-"

"Wait i have to go" Taehyung said and ran.

"Probably forgot her girl at the bar" I
said and chuckled.

"how'd you know?" jungkook asked

"Just a guess that i think is 100% true wanna bet?" I asked Him and we laughed.

"Sure, i know my hyung a lot He's not  the type of guy that will go to the bar and hit to random girls" Jungkook said with confidence.

"Okay, If I win you have to buy me an Ice cream" I said being confident too.

"Sure, and if I win you have to buy me a dinner" Jungkook said.

"No, just an Ice cream" I said teasing him.

"But you ate dinner with donghyun?!" Jungkook half shouted.

"So what? why are you bringing him up?" I asked.

"no-nothing. Okay! An Ice cream will do" Jungkook gave up.

After a long day finally i can breathe in peace. I was very exhausted and tired for the whole day.

"thank you"

"For what?"

"For accompanying me tonight"

"from now on let me be your partner in crime"

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