Pendragon Vs Riddled

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|M/n pov|
It's been a week since I first started school and luckily for me I'm ahead of fourth years students along side Tom and Cerim.Though he's been my assistant in helping me adjust to Hogwarts.We're currently in the dinning hall eating with Cerim and Abraxas.
"I wounder what made the four founders build this place here?"

"I'm pretty sure it went something like this,Rowena suggested that they find a place,Godric throws out a 'how about next to this bad-ass forest full of fucked up dangerous shit?',Helga said no but Salazar screamed yes."

"...I'm having a hard time trying to disagree with how you worded that."I snickered as Abraxas was literally rolling on the floor.
"For a Ravenclaw you have a idiotic way of thinking."

"Oh lighten up Tommy!"

"Don't call me that."

"Geez if I knew you'd be in your feelings about a nickname,I would of called you mister grumpy emo instead."Cerim and Abraxas laughter grew louder at my commemt,Tom huffs and leaves.
"Wait,don't we have potions first?"Abraxas asked sitting up quickly.
"Bloody hell!To-Riddle wait up!"We both struck put after him as fast as we could.We darted up the stairs but I completely forgot that they moved!

"AAAHH!"I fell but a portal open and dropped me onto the floor next to Tom.Students rushed over to check if I was alright.Abraxas quickly ran over when the stairs stopped at the right spot.
"Are you mad!?You could of fell into the void and who knows what's down there?!"

"I-I'm fine!Maybe a bit shooken up but fine!"I said flashing a large smile to ease all the worried faces around me.

"Ugh meanie!"

"Hahah,Don't mind that M/n,that was just his suddle way of saying he was worried about you.But really are you alright?"I nod and said he reminds me of my big sister but I wouldn't tell him which one.With that aside we made it into potions.Dumbledore sat at the front with Tereus talking with Slughorn.
How in the hell did the pooch get here before us?If I was correct he was still sleeping in the room...

The lesson started with slughorn asking what potions did what.
"Now who could tell me about Amortentia?"I tensed up a bit and so did Tom,we shot each other a look before throwing our hands up.
"Riddle we hear from you all the time, give lord Pendragon a go."I smirked sly and stood up.
"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It's considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. As stated it's dangerous to underestimate a powerful infatuation. Despite its power, Amortentia doesn't create actual love; it's impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it."

"Good job m'lord!Now tell me about it's effects."I tapped my chin for a second before the extra information came back to me.
"Oh!It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves-"

|Tom pov|
I stood up interrupting him and continued from where he left off.
"The effects of the potion on a person are described to be near instantaneous; with the person who drank the potion appearing 'pale and sickly' and becoming obsessed with the object of their affections,
becoming excited or dangerously unstable towards others."I said smirking back at the royal.
You're not the only smart one here...
I turned back to slughorn and continued.
"The potion must be administrated continuously in order to maintain the false love in the drinker."

"Fantastic!20 points for Slytherin!Now for the real reason I asked about Amortentia."Slughorn pulls out a pot and removes the lid.
That isn't what I think it is?
"Today students,you'll be taking a sniff of the famed love potion!"

"Oh?"M/n tilts his head slightly looking at Slughorn;His face shows concern?Matter of fact why did he become so...Tense?Its not like he ws born like i was...Or was he?
Everyone stood from their seats and fell into a straight line.One by one students blushing faces were Seen as they scurried back to sit themselves down.Majority of the females in the class stole glances at the side of my face while some looked at M/n lovingly and so did the males.

Finally it was M/n's turn then my own.
"Hmm?Colonel,peppermint and...."I couldn't hear the last part because he walked off and sat down.
"Alright Riddle give it a smell!"I took a deep breath...
F/c[favorite cake],Hydrangeas,witch hazel?
Who the hell is this?
I too walked away confused and sat between M/n and Abraxas and might I add that Abraxas held a similar confused look as M/n and I.
"I'm not up for talking about this strange experience."

"Agreed."They both chimed together just as the bell rings.We all jump up quicker than expected and head To DADA.This time Abraxas and I made sure the ray of fucking sunshine didn't nearly die this time.
"Welcome back students!There's nothing to explain,pair up and practice."Dumbledore said petting the silky fur of the magic world's largest familiar.

Everyone paired up and M/n gave me a cocky smirk.
"Let's pair up!Whoever wins buys  butterbeer~"

"I hope you know who you're up against."We bow to each other before backing up.Two items flew across the room a wand and a book.
"Pick your poison."I wasn't sure about the book so I pointed at the wand.

He smiles at me while throwing the book up for Tereus to catch

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He smiles at me while throwing the book up for Tereus to catch.With a wave of his wand Small orbs of Fire appear.
Is that Incendio!?
The orbs shot out towards me I nearly froze...Nearly.
"Aguamenti!"I put the flames quickly and before I knew it my feet were swept from underneath me.
"Ahahahah!This is fun,didn't you say you were smart?Obviously Incendio was a diversion."I was hanging upside down!

"Ack!"A barrier throws itself up quickly and I was dropped.

His protection spell was strange but it didn't matter to me until he dropped to one knee

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His protection spell was strange but it didn't matter to me until he dropped to one knee.
"*huff,huff,huff*Shite...Didn't mean to cast that one.."He mumbles and stood tall.
"Incendio!"It would seem we held a common thought as fire hurled towards each other and from the sheer power an explosion set off forcing us and anyone nearby back.

"Merlin's beard is everyone alright!?"M/n yelled as he re-entered the classroom which meant he was sent further than most.I on the other hand hit the wall and had a small issue with pushing myself up due to the pain in my back.
His rob was burnt,cheek singed,hair was messer than before and I'm sure I didn't look any better.
"I guess this is a draw my friend!"

"Tsk,who said we're friends?"

"I did,so deal with it!"He smiles brightly then helps me up.Oddly enough he smelled like...


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