The Marauders!!!

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|Tom pov|
School soon started again,M/n and I showed first years around until M/n was tackled by a ginger;Lilly Evens.

"What happened?"

"James is doing it again!"M/n sighs and literally vanished from underneath Lilly.
"Did Seruel do that?"Slight perplexed by her questions I quickly reminded myself that to them we've been friends since first year and they know about Seruel and Blare.I helped her stand and pat her head.

"GAH!I'M SORRY!"More loud sounds happened before M/n walked around the corner holding Severus hand and guiding him to us with Sirius laughing harder than he should.Behind him was a scared James hiding behind Remus and Peter.
"I swear."Cerim and Alucard mumbled as they came from the other side of the hall.
"We're the only five who aren't in Gryffindor."

"Yeah,but four since Severus isn't too sure on joining."We watched as M/n turns around and continues to scold the scared James.Lilly sighs heavily,and asked how we deal with James half the time.
"We don't,M/n does."

"Oi,oi!You still down for tonight.Going to the Leaky Cauldron,I mean?"

"Sure."Sirius pats my shoulder then winks at Alucard.


Lunch was as expected,we sat at the very end of the Slytherin table and talked.

"Oh,Athena..Hi cousin."Athena must be Meliodas and Abraxas daughter due to the two toned hair;Right side black and the left side platinum blonde.
"Why are you lot sitting at Slytherin's table?"

"Well you twat,it's raining outside today.You would of noticed if you didn't have your tongue down Vitale's throat."Athena punched James in the back of the head before sitting down.Like Abraxas,shes a Slytherin but she has Meliodas attitude more than anything.
"So Pendragon-"

"No."M/n blows Athena off quickly and continues to eat his food peacefully along with Severus(by far the most quiet person that hangs around with us).
"We have studied in care of magical creatures.I have no time to joke around with you during that class."

"Tsk."Athena huffed while getting up and leaving us to our own.
"She's so annoying sometimes."

"She'll come around.She's just like her father."James laughed as Cerim sighs heavily again.
He's going though it right now....Meliodas was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with but can't anymore.

We all headed to class,M/n was closest to the door and he opened it.What happened next was quite the surprise.
"OOF!"He was tackled by at least seven baby dragons;All white with gold scales and horns..
"M/n are you okay?"

"Father what are you doing here?!"

"The eggs hatched and I thought it would be interesting to give them human exposure through your school."King Caelum happily said while hold the only all black baby dragon.

"King Caelum happily said while hold the only all black baby dragon

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"Wait so Michael has a mate and had kids!"

|M/n pov|
Class was full of me running from the little ones until they(minus the one my father held)all knocked me down again.
"So why are they chasing M/n?"

"Well miss...Evens,correct?"My father asked and she nods gleefully that the king of the wizard world remembers her.
"These little guys are instantly drawn to creatures like them,given that the Pendragon family have dragons blood.They feel the need to be near whomever it is."

"Aww they're soooo cute!"I sighed as everyone swoons over them but I'm still under them.
"Ummm help?Each one is about 50 pounds!"


That special lesson was fun in all but were now in Dumbledore's office to talk about my sister and Marluxia.
"Hello you guys,how was class?"

"It was hilarious watching M/n get dogpiled by baby dragons for an hour straight."I kick Cerims chair from underneath him and smirks at the loud thud.
"Now,about how Marluxia got out....Emmeryn,she murder countless wizards and witches to free him.They're trying to mislead our future as Eugeo is trying to fix and prepare us for said future.Marluxia has created a group called;the death eaters.They're main targets are foul blood and muggle born witches and wizards."

"Foul blood?"

"People like me."Tom snares angrily,Dumbledore quickly conforms what Tom said.He meantioned that Marluxia holds a very big grudge against Tom because of me.It seems that Marluxia had aged while Emmeryn stayed the same..
"They're both wasting away."

"What does that mean?"

"They're creating horcruxes.Let me explain a bit more;Horcruxes are created to achieve immortality by splitting a dark wizard's soul into separate pieces.It would seem that Emmeryn created her second one."Dumbledore was looking at me and none of us understood one bit as to what he was hinting at until Tom mumbled something about the white dragon Frey.
"Oh Merlin!It's Frey!That wasn't poison but it was at the same time!A piece of her soul...WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL!WHY IS SHE DOING THIS TOO ME?!"

"Well can't you separate from Frey?"My head snapped to Alucard after he asked that question.I told him it was impossible and that separating for Frey was like trying to steal from goblin!If you take us from Frey and Kvasir they'll do whatever it takes to return to us!Tom asked why she didn't go for the others.
"Some of us can actually speak with then,Like Diane,my father,and myself.Though Diane is lazy,she's hard to pinpoint,she wouldn't dare try my father,and so that left me.Some one who was practically in one area and easy to access.Why do I get the feeling that Eugeo could of stopped this?"

"Eugeo said that time is like spiders web,Something's can be caught and changed while other are caught but soon free themselves.To which Frey becoming an Horcrux couldn't be changed."

|Eugeo pov|
I watched as Tom,James,Alucard,and Sirius went to the Leaky Cauldron after nightfall.
So far so good...Don't worry little brother,everything fall into place and then when the time comes...We'll be prepared to fight the dark lord and this time we'll win.I swear to Kvasir that we'll win...
I sighed and called out for my brother's familiar.
"Oi Pablo-"

"Oi Pablo-"

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"......How in the hell did I get stuck with this ball of goof?"He quickly jumps up and follows me to our temporary home.

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A/n;And there you have it!The reason why Frey can't be trusted!
What theories do you have involving Eugeo?Let me know in the comments because I would love to read them and if your theory is close enough,I'll give you a shout out when it's officially time to reveal who he is!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


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