The Locket?

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|Tom pov|
It was so quiet this morning that I nearly jumped out of bed when I heard the door slam open.
"Good afternoon Tommy!"


"Yeah,it's 12:30pm!I let you and Seurel sleep in."He jumps on the bed next to me with a smile and told me that we're going to Diagon alley for a few things.
"Diagon alley?What do they need from there?"

"Beats me but I could snag some snacks while we're there!So get dressed~"M/n sang lighty at the end before leaving the room.Seruel final woke up and followed him out.
"Can't believe I actually slept in..."I muse a bit though my surroundings are less cluttered and more quiet so I can see why i slept in this morning.

I've realized that my dream wasn't what I wanted anymore due to my loving dream last night.It made me realize that it's not worth all the bloodshed...
I wounder what my life would of been like without M/n in it?Would I even know the potter twins,Elizabeth,and Cerim?Or even the Pendragon family?
I chuckled and got ready for the day and met with everyone downstairs.
"Should we take the door?"

"That would be easier but the door gets boring at times..."

"How about Seruel take us?"Winter looked over at me when I suggested that the red eyes dog get us to Diagon alley.
"Do you two get sick easily?"

"No/Not really."

"Alright,Seruel take us to Diagon alley."He howls and the area around us changes and now we're at our destination.The two stumble for a second and Siegbert covers his mouth for a second.
"That was slightly unpleasant but a very quick way to get around."

"That was fun!We'll met here in an hour,you two stay out of as much trouble as you can~"The two went off without missing a beat leaving M/n,Seruel and I to wander about for the time being.We talked about whatever we had in mind until M/n randomly stops walking at the sight of a random store.
"M/n what's-Your eyes..."

"There was something extremely valuable here..."He walks into the store called Borgin and Burkes.
Is he okay?This is by far the strangest thing he's done since we met.
We looked around the antique store for a while.
"May I help you?"

"Yes you can,It seems that my boyfriend is looking for something of extreme value."I said to the shopkeeper and he taps his chin.
"Can he describe it?"

"I'll see-"

"Gold,emeralds,and an S on it.I sense it's connected to Tom."M/n said with his back to us and looking a vase.He then put it down and turned to us.
"You're going to tell me where it is."

"Why should i-"

"Look,I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."A light gold aura drapes itself over him and the shopkeeper stiffened before grabbing a piece of paper and quill and starts to write something down.
"This is where you'll find it.."Surprised I looked at him to see a gold ring around his irises.
What's going on?!

|M/n pov|
I took the paper and we quickly left out of the shop.
"What in the bloody hell was that!?"

"I don't know!!One moment I was okay then that happened!"I looked down at the paper and saw a name.

Madam Hepzibah Smith

Something about her name stood up to me for a moment.
"Oh!The woman that clams to the be descended from Helga Hufflepuff!"

"Really now?"I nod and lead him away from the store before anything else would happen.The address bonuses around my head and something kept softly telling me to go there.

"Let's go."He smiles knowing what was on my mind and Seruel takes us quickly.We now stood outside of a house door.Tom knocks twice and there was silence at first then the door opened displaying no one.
"Uh down here."

"Oh!Is your master home?"

"Yes,yes!Come in lord Pendragon!"The house elf opens the door wider so we could step in and see the master of the house.I then felt something take over like before,this feeling was one I could only describe as Michael but it was someone else as well...But who?
"Lady Smith."

"M-My lord!"She dips into a bow quickly before offering us to sit:I decline and walk to the source of the relic that gave off a similar aura as Tom.My fingers grazed over a redwood box.
Open it.


It belongs to Tom,Heir of Slytherin,now open it.
I opened the box and pulled out the Locket.

I opened the box and pulled out the Locket

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"Lord Pendragon?"

"This doesn't belong to you Miss Smith.It belongs to Tom."I mutter loud enough for them both to hear.There was movement to my left and I looked to see a very confused Tom looking at the Locket.
"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said,it's yours.Tom you're the Heir of Slytherin..."I unclip the hook and put the beautiful locket around his neck.It looked perfect on him.
Thanks to you Tom knows his heritage but be careful and protect each other.

There's no need to tell me that but thank you.
Tom kissed my forehead and I turn to the woman.
"Not a word of this encounter or you'll be arrested for the illegal purchase of a family Heirloom.I'd advice that you take the other relics to the Ministry of magic to escape your impending doom.Is that understood?"

"Ye-Yes my lord!"

"We'll be on our way now."We walked out calmly but ran with large smiles on our faces.Not long after we returned to Diagon alley with nearly seven minutes to spare,so we stocked up on our favorite snacks and waited for my sister and her Husband to be~
"That was exciting!I never knew you to be so...So-"


"Yes.Sure it's rare to see you angry since you're a cute ball of happiness but to see you literally put fear into someone over me was and excuse me for being so forward but-"He leans over near my ear and continues.
"Erotic."I playfully shove his shoulder blushing at how is warm breath tickles my ear.
"Hello boys!"

"Hey sis."

"Did you guys get what you needed?"Tom and I look at each other then at my sister and nod.
"Ya know you'll have to eat actual-Is that what I think it is!?"She said pointing at the Locket dangling around Tom's neck.
"Yeah,he's the rightful owner."

"That means you're an aristocrat!"

"Really?"Tom asked looking down that locket with a surprised expressions on his face and asked how is that owning the locket made him as such.
"Salazar Slytherin is-well was of social status and being a descendant of him is a quiet the big deal!Oh!You should attend the Litha gathering next week,even thought I know it was your plan to spend the first two weeks inside."

"Are you okay with this Tom?There's a high possibility of running into Winter and my father there."

"Yeah,I'm willing to attend just so I can dare your father to try anything I don't approve of."

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